"Paulie, look it's a lady!" points out one of the suited men. He looked clearly confused about seeing a woman upon a three storey building roof.

The man in white known as Paulie eyed me puffing his cigar and left out a confused grunt. I waved it away and jumped off the roof, air piercing at my face-blowing all my hair out of my face. I landed below at an 80% angle rooftop, I was much closer to the men than I thought so I leapt again landing on the end of one their Yagara Bulls. I landed on the Bull that had the briefcase with the money.

"Looky here, a lady. Are you lost honey bun?" says one of them wearing a headband. He was obviously leaning too close for my liking, grabbing my chin in the process. He looked at me, disgusting. I leaned back smacking his hand off my chin and I  held out my hand.

"Pass over the briefcase," I say forcingly.

Headband boy looked at his partners in crime, he lays his hand on his stomach. They all started laughing, bending over. Headband boy gets back up wiping a non-existent tear from his eye.

"Pass. The. Briefcase. Over," I simply repeated once again. 

The briefcase was right behind them leaning against the internal sides of the Bull. Headband boy turned around again laughing with his mates, I was sick of this. I bunched up my fists, then circulated my hips for a high kick. My heeled foot collided with his face, he toppled to his side holding the boat as leverage wincing in pain.

"Now now, Lady no need to be violent," Says one of his partners.

Headband boy stands up towering over me. He took a hold of my blouse, scrunching it up in his hands. His other hand retracts back into a fist, ready for it to collide with my face. He starts shrieking as he tries to throw a punch at me, I grabbed his fist and dug my nails it in sprouting blood from his knuckles. His face contorts in pain, he sweatdrops as his partners do the same. I raise my knee up sharply kicking him straight in the groin, at that his grip on my blouse falls away, his fist still in my upraised hand. Stepping back on my right leg, I swing my leg forward kicking him and deliberately aiming for his cheekbone. His face whitens as he faints at my touch. I let his bloodied knuckles fall with his fainted body on the Bull. I step towards henchmen, I uncuff my blouse and swing out two daggers each to hold their sleeves down. I smirk as they're stapled to the edge of the wooden part of the Bull. The smallest holds out his hands, raising his wrists slightly.


"ROPE ACTION!" and the sound of material ripping is all I hear as rope finds its way around the henchmen's necks from both bulls. Looking up I see Paulie holding the strings- He wasn't a devil fruit user at all. I could see the rope in his sleeves, it appears that the rope is coming out of his bare hands but you can just see the rope hooked around his cuff. He tugs them forth dragging the thieves closer and closer. Until their heads hit each other, they helplessly fall into the water, I walk forwards to get the briefcase and I see one of the men in water discard Headband Boy from the Bull I was in. 

Mission accomplished.

"Good fighting skills Miss......?" Paulie looks at me, grinning. I jump over to his bull.

"They got away Paulie, that's a shame," interjects one of the men still on the roof. Paulie sprouts a string of words rebutting his point that it was good enough that they got the money back.

I set my eyes to my cuticles, I'm surprised I didn't break any this time. Mr Iceburg and the pirates show up. I hand Paulie the briefcase as Rob comes swooping in instantly holding Paulie's ear lobe.

"NGH, let go! I'm not going to run, jeez," winces Paulie as Rob doesn't say a word. We slowly float towards the group. "It wasn't easy getting this money Lucci!" shrieks Paulie, 

I snorted re-buttoning my sleeve cuffs. I wish I went back for my daggers but I can always get new ones I guess. Rob's pigeon speaks up, bobbing at each word.

"You tried stealing other people's money to repay your debts, how shameless,"

Paulie bites his cigar harder and raises his eyebrows instantly.

"I found this money, Hattori!" countered Paulie. I flick his forehead. "Eh? What's it to you Y/N?"

I chuckle.

"Well, this," I knock on the side of the briefcase. "Belongs to a crew, it wasn't hastily thrown away,"

Paulie pouts, puffing smoke from his cigar butt.

"Look! They're coming!" says Nami, standing next to Kalifa. I see Luffy put his hands on his hips.

"See that was nothing to worry about Usopp," says Luffy smiling. Usopp tugs at Luffy's chin as it stretches like it was a sort of gum.

"WHAT KIND OF ATTITUDE WAS THAT! THAT WAS OUR 2 MILLION!" Nami got into this scolding Luffy for not taking any action for their money.

"Well the pigeon said 'leave it to me,'" replies Luffy barely, both sides of his face were being stretched by both Nami and Usopp. I giggle jumping off the Bull. Rob's grip was still on Paulie's ear as he reported back to Mr Iceburg.

"Here he is Iceburg," says Hattori the pigeon.

"OMIGOD, LET GO OF MY EAR!" hollers Paulie from the Bull.

"Thank you, Lucci," says Mr Iceburg, hands crossed. Hattori pecks at his feathers before facing the group once again.

"Sorry for our scumbags actions, deepest respects," I hear Luffy's gasp.

"It talked again!!" pointing at Hattori in excitement.

Lucci got off the Bull and handed me the briefcases. I put them down on the concrete, Paulie gets yanked from the ear off the Bull. Rob swings him as lets his ear go. Paulie goes face forward towards the concrete.

"S H I T," he mumbled under the gravel.

"Beg for forgiveness Paulie," commands Rob, I hold my chin amused.

"That pigeon is so strong!' pipes Luffy, staring from Paulie to Hattori in awe. Rob adjusts his suspenders as Usopp steps forward.

Paulie jumps up and hands Luffy the briefcase.

"Yo, you the owner? I got your money back," He towers over Luffy as he folds his arms, trying to make his persona seem intimidating.

"Thanks a lot," politely replies Luffy, smiling as per usual.

After a small quarrel between Paulie and Rob, we end up heading to Dock One where everything was under construction.


I'm sorry for not updating sooner! I was stuck with some chores, but not anymore it didn't take long! I also aimed this to be slightly longer than my previous updates, so more editing was put into this and I had to go back to the manga. There were so many dialogue parts (Yeah I know right, it's called manga for a reason.) that I couldn't put Y/N in because it was mostly was Iceburg talking so I've tried to make it fit in with Y/N it. Thank you all for reading this fan fiction, I appreciate all your votes and nice comments/support.


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