Chapter 1 - The Bento

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A day passed since poor little Phoenix was accused of theft

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A day passed since poor little Phoenix was accused of theft. He was sitting inside his classroom, ignoring all the kids sneering at him, who were still hung up on what happened the day before. Despite the lingering drama, Phoenix was surprisingly giddy and full of childish glee. And that was because his eyes were adoringly fixated on the silver-haired boy who sat diagonally across him.

Miles Edgeworth sat on his seat uncomfortably, face flushed, as if he felt something crawling on his back. Someone was watching him. Miles slowly glanced at Phoenix at the corner of his eye, his face turning into a hot pinkish color. Seeing that Miles' eye made contact with his, Phoenix sat up straight and grinned at him widely. Miles let out a little squeak before turning his back at the raven-haired boy, his face matching the color of his clothes.

Dejected, Phoenix slumped back on his seat, pouting. He was kind of expecting that Miles would smile back at him, but he didn't. He felt a really great sense of gratitude towards him for stepping in. (Oh, and Larry too.) And he seemed like a really cool person! But what could he possibly do to showcase his thanks and be best friends?

Suddenly, an idea popped into his mind. He rummaged through his bag, tucking his tongue to one side of his mouth. He found what he had been looking for after a few seconds of digging through his mess of a bag and sneakily brought it out. His lunchbox! He looked around, checking if there was anyone rubbing their noses in his business and found none. He crawled under his desk and opened the blue lunchbox, revealing a variety of food: sushi, ramen, omelette, seaweed, rice, etc. The boy then took out his envelope that contained lunch money that his mom gave him just in case and started counting.


The bell rang, signalling that it was lunch time. Phoenix dashed out of the room fast enough so no one could see him. He ran all the way to the cafeteria, where he bought yummy rice balls for Larry and delicious dishes that he was gonna add to the bento he was recreating for Miles. He put aside the rice balls and focused on Miles's bento. Bit by bit, he intricately designed a scrumptious-looking lunch with little pink bits that formed a heart.

After several minutes, Phoenix dramatically whisked away a drop of sweat and gazed at his delicious creation. It was finished. It was time to give it to Miles. He sighed in satisfaction, covered his bento with foil, then gathered everything to give them to his newfound friends.

The spiky haired boy skipped through the halls in a merry manner, blush on his cheeks and bento in his hands. After giving the rice balls to Larry, he had a pretty good feeling about Miles. He made his way to the school garden where Miles usually ate his lunch and hid the lunchbox behind his back. He then tries to appear nonchalant and casual by whistling and walking slowly until he reached Edgeworth, whose head was buried in a book. "Oh Miles! What a surprise~!" Miles jumped up and squealed in surprise. "I was just gonna go looking for you, and here you are!" Miles closed his book and held it close to his chest tightly. He averted his gaze from Phoenix, making sure he didn't make eye contact with him. "W-what d-do you want...?" he asked shakily.

The cheeky Phoenix chuckled, then proceeded to dramatically pull out the bento he'd been hiding. "Behold! The Thank-You Bento!" Miles looked at him in confusion, eyebrows furrowed. "' me lunch...?" Phoenix nodded energetically. "It's not much, but I just wanted to give you something to make you happy. Like how you made me happy when you helped me yesterday! It definitely made Larry happy." Edgeworth was sheepishly biting his lips as if he was trying to make sure he doesn't scream. "...thank's my lunch money." Phoenix heartily laughed, making Miles blush harder. He looked so cute. "I don't want your money, Miles. You already paid the price by being there for me!" Miles's face was now as red as the roses that ornamented the school fountain in front of them.

"Nincompoop! You're a nincompoop!"

Phoenix tilted his head to the side in confusion. What was a nincompoop? "Um...thanks...?" he said, scratching the back of his head. "THAT WASN'T A COMPLIMENT YOU NITWIT!" Miles's face was overheating. Aggressively, he held out his chopsticks, took a bit of fried rice, and ate it. His aggression then dissolved, revealing an indescribable expression on his face. "How is it?" Phoenix asked. Miles sharply turned his head to the raven-haired lad, his cheeks puffed while he was savoring the extravagant meal. "It's okay, I guess..." he replied, his mouth full. Inside, he was squealing in delight.

"Really? Just 'okay'?" Phoenix frowned in disappointment. Miles angrily bonked his head. "OKAY! IT'S GOOD! JUST STOP MAKING THAT FACE, OKAY? ITS BOTHERING ME!" he shrieked, blushing furiously. Dizzily, Phoenix gave a thumbs-up. "By the way, you didn't answer my question yesterday. Why did you save me?" he asked.

"I aspire to become a defense attorney just like my father. I want to fight for the people who have no one on their side." Miles replied. Phoenix's eyes glittered in awe. "Wow! That's so cool!"

"You really are awesome!"

Miles choked on air at his last statement. " m-moron..." he stammered, covering his face with his silver bangs. "Awesome! Awesome!" chanted a new party member, Larry Butz, who popped out of the bushes with rice crumbs on his face. "Awesome! Awesome! Awesome!" Phoenix joined in. Miles bonked their heads together, giving Phoenix two bumps on his head. "Shut up and eat already." The three boys ate happily, chatting and making fun of each other. The three best friends. Yellow, Blue, and Red. And out of the three of them, the happiest was Miles Edgeworth.

His stomach was full and so was his heart.

(A/N: Thanks for reading my story and motivating me to continue! :)  )

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