freaking mason

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omg i'm so relatable
a few month ago i started talking to this guy mason.
we talked everyday and i caught feelings.
i told him and he said he felt the same way
we continued to talk, lots of flirting
the we played this game that he made up called "never lie"
do i really need to explain the rules?
one of the questions he asked was when i would lose my virginity
i personally would lose it anytime as long as it's safe
but i said 16 at the youngest because i didn't want him to think i was a slut
i asked him the same question and he said anytime as long as it's protected.
i literally facepalmed.
another question he asked was if i was allowed to date
i answered yes because i am
i asked him the same question again and he responded with
no but i don't care.
ooooh bad boy over here
we continued to talk and play his little game
then a few days later i was at the park w my bestie and her crush
she stole my phone
she texted mason and said
i love you.
he responded with
i love you too
i died
after we'd been talking for about a month or two
he suddenly stopped replying
i figured he must be busy
one week goes by
a month
it has now been two months.
haven't talked at all
his excuse is that he got grounded from his phone all summer
we'll get to that later
but i've seen him twice since he's been "grounded"
once when he drove by me while i was walking home
we made direct eye contact
he didn't do anything.
oh well maybe he didn't realize it was me until it was too late
then two days later
i'm walking to the bank to get some money
and i look over at a house
and stop in my tracks.
turn off my music and stare
at mason.
he turns around and sees me
i hope that he'll say something to me.
explain why he hasn't texted me
even just say hey
or wave
or smile!!
what does he do?
he nods.
like the "sup" nod you do to someone you are acquaintances with
not someone you said i love you to
i turned my music on
put my good up
and ran
i ran for 5 minutes until i stopped at some picnic tables
and cried
and cried
and cried
for a good 20 minutes
that hurt me so bad and i don't know why
then i pulled out my phone
pulled up masons contact
and wrote:
hey. i just saw you at ____'s house. i was kind of hoping you'd smile and wave. or even one or the other. but you didn't. you nodded. i thought you'd say something but you didn't. no offense , but it kind of hurt.
just saying. but i think i understand.
i'll stop texting
that was yesterday
i miss him so much
it hurts so bad to write this but

goodbye mason.
i love you

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2019 ⏰

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