I pulled away when I needed air. "That was...." I breathed.

"Amazing," Xander finished. His voice was husky and breathing deeply from the kiss we just shared, and I wanted to press my lips against his once more.

"Happy birthday," I said quietly.

"Thanks." He pressed his lips back to mine, and we kissed for a couple more minutes. I pulled away when I once again needed air.

"Come on, we have to get ready. We're going somewhere special for your birthday," I smiled, grabbing his arm and pulling him out of the room.

He walked into Thomas's apartment, as his wasn't clean. Oops! Once he was gone, I ran into his room and silently laughed at the sight. I grabbed the video camera and ran into my room.

I threw the video camera on my bed after stopping it and turning it off, and ran into the closet, grabbed some clothes, and quickly hopped into the bathroom, turning the shower on. When I stepped in, the water was cold against my skin. It didn't bother me seeing as I had extra body heat, so I took the quickest shower in the history of the world and got dressed in a pair of white shorts and a cute red t-shirt.

When I walked out of the bathroom, Xander was sitting on the couch, flipping through the channels. "Hey beautiful," he said, turning the TV off and walking over to me.

"Hi," I whispered, pressing my lips to his. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and he wrapped his arms around my mid back.

"Hey guys, lets g.... AHHHH! MY POOR INNOCENT EYES!" Thomas screamed, walking in and immediately cringing at the sight of Xander and I.

I took my lips off of Xanders, but he wouldn't unwrap his arms from around my waist. "Dude, I'm okay with you being with my sister, but if you hurt her I will murder you," Thomas laughed, uncovering his eyes. "Anyways, as I was saying, it's time to go."

"Come on," I said, taking hold of Xander's wrist and pulling him out of the room and down stairs.

We saw a couple of pack members along the way, but we really had to get going. Xander told one of the pack maids to tidy up his room and move my things in his room, and than we left.

"Where are we going?" Xander complained when we were about half way there.

"Don't start that crap with me," Thomas laughed. "It's a surprise so don't bother asking again." I couldn't help but smile. Xander just rolled his eyes.

"Hey, we have a meeting to go to next weekend with the Moon Stone Pack," Xander said. "And you get to come with is," he said, smiling at me.

"Why do I have to go?" I complained.

"Because you're the future Luna," Xander smirked.

"You are seriously not playing that card with me. The 'I'm the future luna' ain't gonna work," I laughed.

"Haha very funny but seriously, you have to come," Xander said, his face straightening out and looking at me with serious eyes.

"Fine, I'll come," I smiled. Xander's face turned back into his everyday smiling playful one.

We finally arrived at the surprise, which was a huge amusement park. When we got out of the car, I jumped on Xander's back and he carried me as if I weighed nothing, which in his opinion I probably did.

We got our tickets and entered. "So what ride do you want to ride first?" I asked, knowing his answer.

He smirked. "The Storm." We ran across the park to the line, and didn't have to use our fast passes in line because it was so short. Xander and I hopped in the front seat. "Ahhh, seriously," Thomas laughed, shaking his head and hopping into the seat behind us. A small, petite girl with long blonde hair was sitting next to him.

"So what pack are you guys from?" She asked quietly after a couple minutes. I jumped in surprise, took a quick whiff of the air, and relaxed. She was a werewolf too. The girl let out a small giggle.

"The River Stone Pack. I'm Taylor, and this is my mate, Xander, and my twin, Thomas," I introduced.

"Soo, Alpha and Luna, and beta?" She questioned, looking at us.

"Yup," Thomas laughed.

"I'm Ali, by the way," she smiled. We talked for a couple minutes, and then the ride started up. I realized that I might have made a new friend. Ali seemed like she wanted to be my friend for me, not to get into Xander's or Thomas's pants.

We hung out with Ali the rest of the day, learning more and more things about her as she learned more things about us. By the end of the day, I had my first friend that was actually a girl.


Xander is at the top or the side, depending on what your reading on.

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