"Dios mío! Okay Isabella! What? ¿Que quieres?" (Oh God! What? What do you want?) He gets up from the bed and lays the blanket back down flat so that his bed looks neat, or at least as neat as he's gonna make it.  
      "What do you want to do?" He turns towards me on the floor. I'm a bit shocked he got up so easily, he typically would just pull my hair until I leave his room...

"Uhh.. I didn't think I'd get this far, honestamente..." (Honestly...) I look up at him sheepishly while Richard and Joel are cracking up from the couch.

  "You truly are something else huh, Bella?" Joel asks me, I can hear the smile on his lips, and I turn to face him.

  "I mean, I try" I say cutely with my hands raised in a joking manor and he sends me a cute wink and adorable ass smile.

   "Unbelievable," Erick sighs shaking his head. I'm not sure if it was to me waking him up without a plan or to Joel and I's kinda flirting. "Well then, deberíamos fijarnos si los otros dos se despertaron," (we should check to see if the other two are awake,) Erick begins to head out the door while Rich, Joel, and I follow behind. "Except you," He points at me.

   I place my hand over my chest and drop my jaw. "¿Yo? ¿Y que hice ahora?" (Me? What did I do now?) I cross my arms over my chest and look up at my younger brother.

   "No es lo que tú hayas hecho, es lo que tengo miedo que hace ese gato dormido cuando te vea." (It's not what you've done, it's what I'm afraid that that sleeping man hoe does when he sees you.) <'Gato' means cat but like when referring to a guy it could be like a man hoe in the sense that a street cat goes everywhere and anywhere> Erick is unbelievable, he really doesn't trust his friends?

   "Erick, c'mon! No seas así! Nada pasa!" (Don't be like that! Nothing's gonna happen!) But Erick just ignores me continuing to the door. "I'm coming anyway..." I mutter before I cut Erick off and run into the room before him.

  "Coño," I hear him say under his breath. Now I know this kid did not just call me a cunt... I turn to face him stopping dead in my tracks.

  "What did you just call me?" Richard and Joel stand behind Erick with faces of uncertainty, unaware of how this was going to end.

   "Co-ño" (cu-nt) Erick looked at me with a smirk and nodded his head at me as if to rub in what he said.

   "You're gonna die Erick Brian. Yo te voy a matar." (Im gonna kill you.) I walk over the the sleeping boys in the bed, both of their heads covered by the blanket, and I poke one of the blanket covered blobs.

"Hola preciosa," (Hey precious,) Christopher looks up at me with a side smile, uncovering the blanket from his head, awww he's so cute, but I don't have time for his little flirt game right now.

   "Hi Chris," I give him a sweet smile. "Can I borrow that pillow real quick?" He looks at me confused and I nod my head lightly behind me, towards Erick and he seems to get the hint because he hands it over to me without question. His hand brushes mine, but he lets it linger before pulling his hand away and blowing me a kiss. "Gracias Gato!" (Thanks hoe/cat!) I quickly thank him.
  "Y ahora... ¿Me quieres repetir como me dijo, Brian?" (Now, you wanna repeat to me what you said, Brian?) I ask once I'm facing Erick again. He seems to be trying to look anywhere but at me to get out of the inevitable attack.

    "I- yo no dije nada Isabella, te amo?..." (I- I didn't say anything Isabella, I love you?...) he looks at me sheepishly as my grip gets tighter on the pillow in my hands.

   'Run' I mouth to him as he looks at me and runs around to the other side of the room but Richard closed the door so he couldn't escape. I meet him by the door and start smacking him with the pillow full force. He curls up in the corner repeatedly getting hit until the pillow then slips out of my hands.

My Brother's Best Friends || Cvm // Zdj // Jp // RcWhere stories live. Discover now