Chapter 2

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Went the alarm clock as I lazily through it at the wall -surely leaving a dent for your sister to worry about later- and slowly opened your eyes. All the blinds were closed due to you having sensative eyes. How did that happen? Well lets go into a flashback. (Damnit- Stop breaking fourth wall author---- Anyways-)

~Flashback brought to you by You stole Dave's apple juice and he's now pissed at you but Dirk potects you.~
(Yo, btw you're about 5)

I was playing outside in my backyard, playing with one of my friends, (F/n). It was a very sunny day, that's for sure! It was surely beautiful out! You loved the sun, it was always fun when the sun came up. Sometimes you'd wake up at dawn just to see the sun rise! It was such a glorious sight, that's for sure. You couldn't stop looking at it... it was as if you were intranced towards it.
My god it was beautiful! You just kept staring at the brightness... No matter how many times (F/n) kept calling you, you were just lost towards it. That was until you started to notice your eyes hurt... they started to get a bit dry, but that was understandable. But what was so bad was that your eyes started to sting, so you averted your eyes. But they still hurt.

And no matter how many times you tried to look at a light properly, you just couldn't stand it.
~Flashback over because Author wants to get this done like she promised in the last chapter.~

You groaned slightly as you lifted your head from your pillow. You had the slightest head-ache, but that didn't exactly matter at the moment. You quickly changed your clothes and rushed downstairsto get breakfast. Your older sister was in the kitchen, "Yo, (Y/n). You're up early, how'd you sleep?" Your sister asked, munching on a poptart. You just replied with a simpel 'fine' and went to go find something to eat. You pulled out (B/c) (Breakfast choice) and -whatever you do with it- and ate it quickly.
"(Y/n), Calm it. Did Godzilla take over you or what?" she said, chuckling lightly. You just stuck your tongue out at her and continued to eat.
Later on, once you finished your breakfast, you quickly got your bag and rushed out the door, to only be blocked by your sister. "Dude, (Y/n). Where the fuck are you going at like... 7:26?" She asked, "School." You simply stated. She just stared at you for a while before replying, "That still exists? I thought that culture of hell ended forty years ago...." she trailed off. You couldn't help but chuckle a little at her stupitidy, wondering if she ever went to school (She's 21) and managed to pass. You just walked past her, waving a small goodbye before setting off to school.

During your walk, you couldn't help but notice some rustling in the bushes beside you as you walked. Just as you reached the corner -almost at the school- you suddenly fell to the gound with a loud 'thud'. You groaned and lifted your head slightly, the headache coming back, but worst. You were going to swear out in all rage until the cheerfuly cat voice of your friend entered your ears, "Hello there (Y/n)!! Sorry to bothurr you while coming to school! AC wanted to walk with (C/H) on the way to pound! Walking with mew will make my day at the pound a lot more better!" She said, purring at a lot of the words said with 'r'.
With one of your final breaths -because she was suspisiously a lot heavier than she looked- you blew out, "Anything for mew, AC, Just please get off of (C/H) because you're starting to squish them under your unsuprising weight." You huffed out. "Oh! Sorry (Y/n)!" She apologized and helped you up. During your walk to school, Nepeta (AC master of ships) sparked up a small conversation, "Hey, (Y/n)? Is it okay if I stalk in each one of mews classes and figure out a pawsome ship to ship mew with?! Please?" She begged.
Well, atleast she said please and asked you about it first. "Um... Sure I guess? I... don't mind it much...." You murmered to her.
"That's Vantastic!" She purred. You figured the 'Vantastic' was a pun she made from one of her friends. Well, now you know who your stalker is, just one more thing.... Nepeta wouldn't be the only one stalking you...

From what you know about anyways.

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