[Hello, USER982, why no real screen name or pictures of your face? Are you a serial killer?]

I hit enter with a smirk, no one would really be interested in me. All I'd learned from watching Hallie's Insta-stardom was that the internet was crueler than real life and no one wanted me in person—unless they wanted to get closer to Hallie.

[Is that how you greet everyone?]

I pursed my lips. Why did he respond?

[Nope. You're my first sugar daddy to contact me.]

[Are you a virgin?]

For the longest I stared at the question. I pressed my thighs together and shook my head. Who asks that so soon in a conversation?

[On this yeah. IRL just a little inexperienced.] Oh my god! Why did I tell him that? Fingers! What the hell! I shut my eyes tight for a time, trying to hide from the mortifying confession vague confession of only having sex once in my entire life. I half expected to see that he'd closed the window, but nope he was still there.

[Do you know what submissive means?]

[Yes. I've read some stories.] I have a copy of fifty shades I've read so many times the cover is falling off and its dog eared to hell.

[What do you think I want?]

I blinked at the screen. The question was a weird one. Who the hell talks like that? As I wet my lips I already knew. This was someone who was shopping for something and not a person to take to dinner or to talk to.

Bloop. USER982 HAS DEPOSITED $1,000 USD INTO YOUR SB ACCOUNT. I stared at the text that flashed at the bottom of the screen.

[I can't accept this. It's too much.] Is he trying to buy me? I furrowed my brows. It was dizzying to talk to a guy with that net worth and possible looks like his but it had to be too good to be true right?

[Why? You needed money. Isn't that why you're here?]

[Yeah, but I don't think I'm what you're looking for. I mean, I'm pretty much never what anyone is looking for. EVER.]

[How do you know that? What do you think I want?]

I swallowed and ran my fingers back through my hair. He wanted a whore. That had to be it, he thought I was a prostitute, the thought made my stomach twist and my heart race. It was the only reason I could come up with for a guy who looked like the lower portion of his face and had abs like that to talk to me.

[I think you want a quick hook up with no strings and don't want to call an escort service for reasons I don't know. And I'm a wounded gazelle hobbling along behind the group getting ready to be om-nomed by a big ass lion.] I giggled at my own joke.

[Did you know that you're the first girl I've met on here that's made me laugh? Give me your number.]

My eyes went right to the little text on the screen that said not to give out your number. I sighed and furrowed my brows. It wasn't a question; he gave me an order. Give me your number, not can I have your number or maybe you should give me your number. Something about the order made me want to comply. I shook my head.


Well, if he gets all stalker-y I can buy a new phone at least. Sighing, I wet my lips and gave him my number. Moments later my video call ringtone started and I took my phone out the pocket of my worn heather grey robe. I stared at the screen and the number I didn't know fully expecting to be greeted with a penis and a flood of unsolicited dick pics. Sharply exhaling I answered the call and was met with the sight of a very handsome man with dark hair and blue eyes smiling on my screen.

Call Me Daddy [Mature 18+]Where stories live. Discover now