chapter five

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Kensi POV
I guess deeks told callen cause when I walked over there he got really quiet u said "don't worry shaggy I told everyone else" He looked relieved to know he resoonded"thanks fern glad I didn't have to tell them" Callen and Deeks were talking about some sports thing coming up it got me all confused so I started talking to Nell while Sam and Eric were talking "I'm so happy for you" Nell said "you have waited forever to go on a date with him" I said "I know I can't believe he asked me"

Deeks POV
I kinda got tired of talking to callen after a while I know I talk a lot but right now I just wanted to talk to kensi so I decided to text her. Text messaged:
D-hey kenslina wyd
K-tlking to nell she I'd a great friend
D- wtf am I chopped liver
K-no your my bestest friend ever
D-ok but maybe u want to be my gf after this date if I don't ruin it
K-why do we have to wait until after the date why not now
D- omg really I thought u would want to wait after the date.
End of texts. I can't wait to tell the rest if our friends but that has to wait mrs.lange walked in.

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