• Such a Hero •

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"Exc-excuse me sir, you dropped this."

The man turns to me before gently taking the item from my hand, smiling. His hood is up, hiding his eyes but he almost looks familiar...

"Thanks... Rather helpful, aren't you?"

I drop my gaze, fidgeting nervously. "U-um... I gu-guess...?"

The man huffs a quiet laugh before continuing. "Would you be able to help me pick something out for my daughter? I want to get her something but I'm afraid I'm lacking with this kind of thing."

"U-uh okay. What d-does she like?"

He leads the way to the toy aisle. "I'm not sure. I'm usually very busy so I don't spend much time with her."

I nod, glancing around the toys before settling on something. "Maybe so-something simple. Like this stuffed bear? It's s-soft and she'd probably find comfort in it."

The man snatches the bear off the shelf. "Well thank you again. You're a very helpful kid. Such a hero..."

Before I can respond, he walks off and I'm left in the aisle, an uneasy feeling at the way he said that.

It's really short but I hope it gets the jobs done.
Also it's storming so I'm spooked and can't focus.
I hope you all are doing well!!

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