Chapter 31

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Soon it was time to move into the dorms. My mom took as much time off as possible but that can only last so long. She managed to stay late the morning I was to leave.

"Stay safe, okay? I know you're already pretty used to living alone with me gone all the time but you can call anytime and I'll-"

"Mom, everything will be fine! I gotta go but I'll call you later, okay?"

"I love you, [Y/n]."

"Love you, too..."

Arriving at the campus, the class was already waiting outside the dorms. I stood to the back, not sure how to interact after everything. Seeing a familiar head of ashy blond hair, I feel a rush of relief.

Aizawa-sensei begins talking before we enter the dorms. "First of all, Class 1-A... What's more important than anything is that you all have gathered together again safely."

A few people break into conversation,

"So everyone got permission?"

"It was tough for me..."

Asui speaks up. "The same goes for you, sensei! I'm just relieved that you made it back here. After the interview, I thought you might not be able to come back..."

"...It's surprising to me as well. A hell of a lot has happened, that's for sure."

He claps suddenly, "Now then! I'm going to give you a quick briefing in regards to the dorms. But before that, just one thing...

It's true that the plan was for you to earn 'provisional licenses' after the training camp. But you didn't. So why were some of you walking around acting like you did? What I'm about to say is important, so listen up."

He looks around with a dead expression before continuing,


The five of you were present on 'that evening' at 'that place'... you took it upon yourselves to proceed towards the site of Bakugou and [L/n]'s rescue."

A tension falls over the class, everyone seemingly surprised at the statement.

"From the look of things, all your classmates understand... the weight of your behavior in deciding to go there. A lot of things have been pigeonholed in light of everything that happened, but I'll say this now.

If it weren't for All Might's sudden retirement... With the exception of Bakugou, [L/n], Hagakure, and Jirou, I would have you all expelled as punishment."

My heart drops. There's no reason to argue-they weren't expelled-but I can't help but want to defend them. I bite my tongue as he continues.

"For the perpetrators, I mentioned, it goes without saying, but the same punishment applies for the other twelve who were aware of their actions and did nothing to stop them. Regardless of the reason, the fact that you all betrayed our trust doesn't change.

From now on, if you all would just follow the rules and act accordingly... I would very much appreciate it and it would certainly go a long way towards restoring my trust."

He spins suddenly, heading for the dorms. "That is all! Now let's head in with smiles on our faces and lots of energy!"

Glancing around, I see everyone looks throughly berated with their eyes to the floor. Nobody moves.

"C'mere." Bakugou suddenly grabs Kaminari, dragging him around a wall.

"What?! No, I don't wanna!"

A loud zap. Kaminari stumbles out, shocked stupid. "Whee..."

"What the-" Jirou and Sero are suddenly overcome with roaring laughter. The rest of the tension melts away.

The angry blond comes around the corner. "Kirishima."


He glances around angrily before holding out a few dollars.

"Huh?! Money?! What the hell is this, you're freakin' me out!!"

"Stop being stingy and just take it! You're makin' me feel all shitty about it!!"

Kirishima gently takes the money. "Where the hell did you hear allowance...?"

"Who cares?! Just keep bein' a dumbass as usual!" The explosive blond stomps off before pausing at my side, "You headin' inside or what?"

I stutter for a moment before nodding and following him towards the dorms. "Y-yeah... oh um- I wanted to say... I'm glad you're okay, Bakugou."

He glare softens for a split second when he murmurs a response. "Yeah, whatever. Same for you, I guess."

Behind us, Kirishima announces loudly, "Hey, everyone! I'm really sorry for everything!! This may not excuse my actions but tonight I'm treating you all to a barbecue with this money!!"

Aizawa-sensei begins the run down once everyone is paying attention. "It's one class per building. Boys and girls are on separate wings. Right for the girls, and left for the boys."

Leading us inside, he continues. "However, the first floor is common space. The dining area, baths, and laundry facilities can be found here."

Its huge, practically a mansion. I find myself excited as it'll definitely be fun to always have people around.

"Your rooms are on floors two and above. On each floor there are two groups of four, divided by gender up to the fifth floor. Everyone gets their own room. It comes with an ac unit, a bathroom, a refrigerator, and a closet."

Back downstairs, he shows a list of room assignments. "All of the luggage we had you send beforehand has already been delivered to your rooms. For the time being, use today to get unpacked and arrange your rooms.

Tomorrow, I'll give you an explanation of how things are going to operate from now on. That's all. You're dismissed."

I find that I'm assigned to the fourth floor with Kirishima, Shoji, and Bakugou. When I get to my room, I begin the long process of unpacking. I managed to bring the medical books I thought would be most helpful and my personal first aid kit.

The books took up most of my bookshelf but there was still room for a few other items. I don't have many decorations but I brought my favorite picture of my mom and I and another of my dad smiling brightly next to my very pregnant looking mother. The only picture of us all together.

In no time, it was night and I made my way to the common area with the rest of the guys. I found myself wearing Hitoshi's hoodie. Something about it made it easier to be around everyone. I decide to stand with Bakugou and listen quietly to the conversations around us.

I was about to head to my room when the girls arrive, seemingly excited.

"Hey boys! Your rooms are all set up?" Ashido chimes excitedly.

Kaminari is quick to answer. "Yeah, just relaxing now!"

"So, y'know... we were all talking, and we've got an idea! Let's have a room showcasing competition! How about it?!"

The time has come for fun dormitory shenanigans!! I've been looking forward to getting this far so hopefully I can write some plotless bits of fun!!
Thanks for reading!!!

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