Chapter Six: "You're Such A Beautiful Girl..."

Start from the beginning

I almost laughed for a moment.  "No, it's not you.  My face still hurts."  I heard my father move in the living room and got nervous.  "John, you should go."  

"One moment," he kissed me, and then the cheek my father had slapped.  I started to push him away as footsteps began to approach my room.  "John, no.  Please go."

But he pulled away only moments before my dad entered the room.  "Ariel, have you finished your chores?"

"Yes, Father."

He noticed the paper I had dropped.  Luckily, it had landed so the words could not be seen.  "What is this?" he said.  I picked it up before he could.

I looked down at the ground.  " prayers, Father."

He gave me a smirk, which was his version of a smile.  "That's my good girl.  I am very tired after waiting for you last night, and I will go and sleep.  Stay in the house.  I will know if you leave."  And with that, he left my room.  I was fairly certain that the next time I did something bad, he would find a way to lock me in there until I begged for forgiveness.  The thought frightened me.  After meeting John, my fear and frustration towards my father grew.  

Then John was back on my windowsill.  "Come on, love, my aunt isn't home and I want to play you a new song we came up with." he said, taking my hand.  I pulled away.  "I can't leave the house," I replied.  

"Can we just...stay in your room then?" he asked quietly.  I nodded.  He climbed in, and I shut the window.  Suddenly, my bedroom seemed incredibly small, forcing John and me to get closer.  And closer, and closer...

Until we were kissing on my bed.  John had shrugged off his jacket, and I my sweater.  He began to kiss my neck, and fiddled with the waist of my skirt.  "I want to kiss you all over," he whispered sensually.  

"John, father could see." I said, hoping he would understand.  Even though I tried my hardest to trust him, a part of me feared that at a moment like this, where I would be completely helpless against him, he would force me.

But he got off of me.  We sat there in silence, as if we weren't snogging a few moments before.  

"Are you alright?" he asked.  I didn't respond.  "What are you thinking about?"

"Charlotte Wiles." I said quietly.  

He smirked.  "Why her?"  

I swallowed hard, wondering what to say.  "I hear people talking about her...and you.  She was saying how you were so muscular and handsome, and another girl said she went on a date with you and that you had amazing hands...I just don't understand that you could have a girl like Charlotte but you are here with me.  I think it's obvious that I couldn't ever give you what she could.  I'm never going to have a happy ending...I don't deserve one."  I got up before John could take my hand.

He stood and walked over to me as I stood by the window.  "You really think I want one of those easy girls?  Charlotte has been with more boys than I can count."  He wrapped his arms around my waist, and I jumped when he did, but soon after my racing heart slowed down.  "Just because your father has ruined your happiness...doesn't mean can't give you a happy ending."


Father woke up from his nap only a few minutes later, and John left quickly, but that time he left for good.  I went out to try and fix up dinner.  I began to get nervous when I saw my father pull out a bottle of wine from the cupboard, and it was gone by the time we finished eating.  Father had had a few moments in years previous where he had gotten horribly drunk and had hit me, and broke a mirror on the wall.

But as I put the dishes away, I had no idea what was going to happen.  

He put his hands on my waist, and said, "You're quite pretty, Ariel."

Carefully, I pushed his hands away.  "Father...perhaps you should go to bed.  I would turn in for the night too."

"No, no...I don't feel like going to bed just yet."  Then his hands wandered lower than my waist.  I was shocked.  Pushing him away from me, I said, "Father, please stop it."

He laughed.  "Ariel...I'm just playing."

"You're frightening me."  I turned to walk back towards my room, but then my father chased after me.  Grabbing my arms, he pulled me into the living room.  Pushing me down on the couch, he growled, "You will not turn your back on me."  Then he seemed to calm slightly.  To my disgust, he ran a hand from my cheek down to my chest.  "You're such a beautiful girl."  I began to cry, begging him to stop.  However, he then began to get forceful again, and I feared the worst.  Out of terror, I hit him hard across the face, got up and ran into my room.  Locking my door, I sat on my bed, trying to calm myself down and figure out what to do.  He began to pound on my door.  

I snatched a coat from my closet, grabbed the money I had hid and saved under my bed and slipped out my window.  

There was one person I knew who could help.


"Ariel, what are you-"

"It's my father.  He...I don't have anywhere else to go."

"Come in, please."

John noticed the redness of her eyes, and how tired she was.  She was swaying on her feet.  He took her hand.  "Come with me.  Up to my room."  She did without question.  

He sat her down on the bed.  "What happened?"

" won't tell anyone?  It's...embarrassing for a girl." she said.  John began to get worried.  What had her father done?  If he wouldn't be caught, he'd pound the man for hitting Ariel.  "It depends on what he did to you." John said.  

Ariel wiped her eyes.  "I-I was cleaning dishes, and he came up behind me and put his hands on my hips.  I pushed him away, but then he touched bum.  I tried to get away, but he was faster.  He was drunk and pushed me against the couch.  He was touching me, saying that I was beautiful.  I hit him in order to get away.  Father will be angry when I get back.  He'll just think I hit him for no reason..."  She held onto him, crying into his bare shoulder.  He hugged her.  She felt so cold.  "What if...I go back tomorrow, and he tries to grab at me again?"

John kissed her forehead.  "You're not going home tomorrow...or the next day.  Mimi isn't home until Thursday.  You're staying with me until then.  And maybe I could work something out with Mimi that you can stay with us for longer."

"But...he'll look for me.  He's going to hurt me, John."

The young man laid her down on his bed.  "Sleep, love.  I'll stay up downstairs, and if he comes looking for some reason, I'll make sure he won't find you."

"No...please..." she said, sitting up.  "Stay with me?"

He turned off the light.  "If you'd like."

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