Chapter Twenty-Seven: Safe And Sound

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It was a cold and rainy day, and I had nothing else to do, so I decided to pay a visit to Freddy.  He smiled when he opened the door.  "Well, if it isn't Miss Ariel, how are you?"

"I'm well, and you?"  I set the bags I was carrying down and hung up my coat.  I visited so often that he left a place on his coat rack open for me at all times.  

"I haven't gotten much sleep lately.  The couple upstairs just had a baby, and the little one won't stop wailing, especially in the early hours."  He eyed the bags.  "What have you brought today?"  

"Lunch and dessert.  I also borrowed a few jazz records from John.  I figured you would like them.  He said he may stop by later, if that's alright.  And I picked up the newspaper on your steps."  Freddy smiled as he accepted all of the packages I pulled from the bag.  "Aren't you the sweetest."

I put one of the 45s on; his record player was against the wall of pictures and postcards.  I loved looking at them.  I always noticed something different each time I visited his house.  I kept the picture of Rachel and him in Paris at home, in the same place where I kept all of my treasures, like the notes John wrote to me so long ago.  

"Are you back in school yet?"

"I want to be...I'm just nervous to."  I rubbed my arms; I was suddenly cold.  "People talk.  Rumors fly.  I fear that even the teachers will think that I'm...easy."  Freddy touched my shoulder.  "People do little else but talk.  I know that it's horrible to think about, but I know it will get better.  Besides, from what you told me, you have wonderful friends who are always by your side.  Be brave, Miss Ariel.  Return to school."  He kissed my forehead.  My father never kissed my forehead.  "We should eat."

We ate quietly for a few minutes before I got up to flip the record.  At the same time, Freddy got a phone call.  I looked out the window as he answered it.  John was walking down the street.  He stopped for a moment to crush a cigarette underfoot before continuing.  

"Miss Ariel, there's a call for you on the line."

I made sure to give Alta Freddy's phone number because I spent so much time there.  I went into the kitchen to accept the call as the doorbell rang.  

"Ariel, I have news.  They found your father.  He's in prison."

I was shocked.  I felt like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders.  That droning was gone.  I wasn't even worried that he might escape again.  I heard John talking with Freddy in the entryway.  I whispered a quick goodbye to Alta.  "Freddy!  John!"  My boyfriend turned towards me in surprise.  I threw my arms around him and kissed his cheek.  I felt tears of relief pour from my eyes.  "They found him, John.  They found my father.  He's in prison now."

John picked me up in happiness.  "This is wonderful!"  He kissed me as though we were back at his house and Freddy wasn't there.  After John was ready to let go of me, I embraced Freddy.  "See?  It's going to be better now."


"Do you think it would be alright if I went back to school?"

"I think so.  You would definitely have to work quite hard to catch up.  You'd also be back just before the dance."

I looked down at my feet as we walked.  He blew smoke from his mouth.  "I've never been to a dance before.  Will you take me, John?"

He stopped and crossed his arms indignantly.  In a high-pitched voice as to imitate a girl, he asked, "That's no way to ask me to the dance."  

I giggled.  "My dear, would you do me the honor of escorting me to the dance?"  He still didn't seem incredibly convinced, so I placed a rather sultry kiss on his neck.  "That's better!" He piped.  


I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in ages and that this chapter is shorter than usual.  I will try to update more frequently.  

How have you been?  My friend Luna and I have been horribly busy as of late.  

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!



P.S. I'm seeing Paul McCartney in five days, and I'm incredibly excited!

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