Night: an Ode

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Composed in silence while contemplating the beautiful world that lies hidden in the Darkness.


When Lord of Day lays down to rest
Below the vast horizon,
And the heavens burn with the fiery streaks
Of his magnificent power, bearing his torch for as long
As possible until the flames are spent—
When majestic Sun steps down from his
Castle—from his celestial throne—
And bids the Earth and all its dwellers
A sleepy-eyed farewell, stretching his
Exhausted limbs before taking to bed,
And gives Mankind one final smile
As they implore for him to stay—
When the last of his embers are ashen grey
And maiden Twilight covers him
With the kingly cloak of sleep,
And reads to him from his Book of
Chronicles the happenings of the Day
Now ended, speaking in a gentle
Voice so as to soothe his mind—
When into slumber Sun doth fall and
Twilight leaves to let him rest, returning
To her chambers, bidding the Stars a pleasant
Eve as she meets them in the Castle,
A new era begins.


​The Stars adorn the darken'd sky
As pearls on Heaven's sable cloak,
Gleaming with the cheer of sprites and welcoming
The Queen of Night into her Palace high.
As she ascends unto her throne and dons
Her crown of silver, bearing her scepter
In her hand to mark the beginning
Of her reign, she smiles as a loving mother
'Pon the Earth below.  The gentle glow
Of her bright aura shines
Upon the land, the kindness of her
'Lumination felt by all who prosper
During her nightly rule.
The ever-nocturne Choir sings in
Restful hymns, lulling sleep over the eyes
Of those within their beds, ridding their
Minds of the dread that haunts them—
The subtle fear within their hearts that
Something is amiss, that something evil
Looms above them or beneath, lurking in the
Tenebrous where Moon's light does not
Reach.  The Shadow of Truth her light doth
Cast they see as wicked and horrible,
For they believe ignorance to be blissful
And are frightened by the honesty that
During the Day is hidden from their
Sun-accustomed sight.  And blind they
Remain, regretting nothing as slumber claims
Their wariness and perception, and into
Dreams their minds soon enter.


And while Mankind doth sleep away the hours of th'
Night, eagerly awaiting Master Sun to reclaim
The celestial throne in wake of Dawn's
Forthcoming, the Shadows dance
And bask in the light of their Queen,
Mistress Moon, billowing like the smoky tendrils
Of an after-flame, the lingering essence of
That final ember that struggled to
Outlive his brothers.  And now that Sun
Doth lay asleep below the stubborn Earth,
Now that his light hath died
With Day and Night hath taken over,
Plunging into blackness the world of
Man and Beast, the ebon armor of
Night's finest the Shadows don with pride,
Ready to defend and lay down their lives for
Their beloved sovereign, for elegant
Lady Moon, whose queenly splendor all her
Followers adore, whether they be malevolent as
The garrison of Shadows, or righteous and
Benign as the Parliament of Stars.
Their arms these nightly knights uptake
In name of Moonlight crown, extinguishing
All light that shines treasonously in the
Darkness, for Manmade light is criminal
In accordance to Nighttime Law.
The candle-flame turns Man's eyes away
From Moon's compassionate glow,
Whispering with a serpent's tongue,
"Trust not nightly Queen and Guard, for
They are malicious and vile."
Thus the gentle Queen must order the
Candle's execution.  With her left hand
She disciplines and punishes her subjects, and
Then embraces them lovingly with her right;
Hence Man is reminded of her fairness
As a ruler.


High and bright Her Majesty
Governs darkened Earth.  Then, when
It comes time for her to abdicate her crown,
Seeing Sun awaken from his slumber—
When ticking clock doth chime
The hour when the cock must crow—
When the Stars put out their lights
So that they can rest after a long Night's labor,
And Moon's own splendor dims and fades as
She steps down from her throne—
When maiden Dawn escorts her through
The Palace to her queenly bedchambers and
Helps her prepare for sleep, covering her
Form with a quilt of white and blue,
Singing to her softly a hymn of Nature—
When into slumber Moon doth fall
And her reign comes to end,
And the sky brightens with her brother's power,
Awakening the morning Choir and
Breaking peaceful dreams—
When Dawn ushers in the Day
And escorts her master through the Castle
To his celestial throne of fire and justice,
Then the reign of Sun doth begin anew.

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