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There's a time

In everyone's life

When love turns sour

And sorrow

Fills one's soul

Words fall between

Empty spaces

Emotions bottled up

Too long, turn bitter

There's a fault

At every move,

Every look

Of the other

No more smiles

No more laughter

Hearts turn away

Anger spills forth

Causes are many

But reason the same

Hearts turn cold

Brain takes over

Superior, logical, fair,

And yet not quite the same

Where's all the romance?

The banter, the pranks?

The efforts to please the other?

Those days are past

Both agree

Childishness they retort

At the beautiful

Memories of sunshine

In their lives

Yet, isn't it strange

That this matured image

Acts double the child?

Battle lines are drawn,

Wars errupt

Artillery spills forth

In violence and tears,

They approach the courts

"What is to become of us?"

The children moan

"Divorce !" , the judge proclaims

His hammer sending

A chill of finality

In everyone gathered around

Two seperate ways,

Two seperate lives,

Years pass by

Where's love now?

An emotion so pure,

So enchanting, so blind?

"'No more love !"

Aphrodite sighs

The world has changed

For better or for worse,

You decide...........

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