"I didn't see any, so I thought."

"Awe, well we aren't a vain lot, we only use mirrors for magic; not for beauty."

"I thought the changes I went through were part of Fae magic."

"No, it's witch but the thing in you helped pervert it."

"Speaking of it, she hasn't reared her ugly head since the fight."

"And she won't until she wants something."

"How do we get rid of it?"

"We are working on it. Let's forget about the demon and go see inside, after you." She said moving out of the way. I walked up the three steps that led to my front door. I put my hand on the knob but didn't turn it.

"What's wrong Poppy?" I didn't know what was wrong but I couldn't turn the knob. Something was wrong but I couldn't verbally say what it was, it was a gut feeling. "Poppy?"

"Sorry, something's off. It feels like if I open this door something bad is going to happen."

"Well I don't know about that but I will tell you this, this house was built with love."

"Thanks Jamma, it probably nothing."

"Together?" She asked placing her hand on mine. I nodded and we turned the handle together, we pushed the door open and I let out a little giggle. It was beautiful in its simplicity, light and bright. Wood floors that shone, a cute little stove and large sink. The big butcher block sat in front of the huge fireplace that housed at large black cauldron.

"It so lovely." I said. The emotion in my voice even surprised me. "It's my first house I've ever lived in." I said as the tears finally burst their dam.

"I'm glad you like it, there's a loft up those stairs and I picked out your colors for that room myself. I hope that's okay?"

"I'm sure it beautiful." I said smiling at her. I sat down on one of the two chairs at the small table. "Tell the others I love it."

"You already did. I will leave you to it then."

"Thanks again, Jamma. I don't think I could have gotten through these last two months without you and your patience."

"You are my niece. I would do anything for..."

"What the hell was that?" I interrupted at the sound of a loud boom.

"The portal," Jamma said as she rushed to leave.

"What about the portal?"

"Someone is coming through, I must go. The coven greets all comers, normally its once or twice a decade give or take a day but two in almost three months in unheard of; the sisters will be uneasy."

"Can I come?"

"Come but stay back, you can't mask yourself very well." I raised an eyebrow at her. "Well you can't make yourself ugly can you." I had nothing so I agreed to stay back as we left my cottage.

                                                                      Chapter Seven

For an old lady Jamma could move, she was at least twenty feet in front of me as I past her cottage and thirty feet ahead when I reached the base of the steep hill that the portal sat atop. I stopped hunching over panting, trying to catch my breath. Jamma's black flowing rope floated over the top of the ridge and out of view. I took in several deep breathes and headed up. "How can these old ladies be in such good shape?" I breathed out loud.

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