Chapter 3

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This chapter is dedicated to the amazing @king_and_lionheart for making me a fantabulous cover for my story, thanks sooo much 👌👏

Sooooo sorry I have taken wayyy to long to update 😁😁eep

Tell me if it's any good or na 😋 thanks. Read Vote comment u know the drill 💚💜💙💛

Sherlock read and reread the invitation that he had received via car window;

Dear Mr.Holmes,

You have been invited to partake in the great chase. Your partner john has already been situated at my base. It is your responsibility to come and retrieve him. The rules are simple; no gun and you cannot bring backup upon retrieval of John. I hope to see you soon Mr. Holmes.

Sincerely, Jim Moriarty


The consulting detective decided to consult his brother for some help. Sherlock was just about to knock when Lestrade opens the door. His clothes were wrinkled, hair a mess, and was wearing Mycroft's cologne.

"George?!? Since when are you and Mycroft shagging?"

Lestrades face turned a spectacular shade of red. "My name's Greg" he mumbled.

Just then Sherlock's dear brother comes over to see what's going on, wearing only his navy blue boxers. "Greg dear, who's at the door?" Then he spots Sherlock "hello sherly, what brings you here?"

Sherlock tensed at the "fond" nickname "well since you asked Mikey, john has been stolen by Moriarty and I decided to come to you for a game plan. And while Gavin is here he might as well help."

A quiet whisper was heard from behind Mycroft "Greg"

"Do come in then. Greg would you mind putting on a pot of tea?" Mycroft asked.

"I suppose" Greg answered glad to get away from the embarrassment.

"So what do you have in mind?"

"Well since he wrote me instead of a text or a phone call and he had hit men I suspect that he has money and that he likes to flaunt it. And he signed his first and last name he's not famous or well known. I already googled him and I couldn't find him so he lives somewhere discreet. Also he decided to use the term 'base' instead of hidding place or something, so he is somewhere ex-military or government, and that's where you come in. I need a list of all the out of use government islands that are now privately owned"

"What do I get out of this endeavor? Dear brother."

"I won't tell anyone about you and Gabe"

"Greg" was said from the kitchen

Mycroft looked slightly alarmed at Sherlock "you wouldn't"

"I am a sociopath" Sherlock said while shrugging his shoulders

"Fine I'll help you"

Greg walked into the sitting room carrying a tea tray, he put it on the table and sat next to the older Holmes

Sherlock and Mycroft thanked Greg for the tea and they continued to try to find the island that Moriarty had taken john to.

"I've found it!" Lestrade exclaimed

Both the Holmes look up from their work at Greg, surprise written on their faces.

"Where?" Sherlock asked

"it's a small island in the South Pacific. It isn't on any of the new maps, but if you look at this one it's twenty years old and it's the only one that the government hasn't repossessed" Greg explained, glad to have done something that the two brothers couldn't.

"Good work dear" Mycroft praised

"Yes, well done" Sherlock agreed

They started to think of a plan to get back john and win the game


John looked out the back window to look at sherlock standing on the curb growing smaller in the distance by the second. He stopped struggling and fighting the man restraining him in the car. John knew that sherlock had a choice to come after John or to not. His fate was all in sherlock's hands

The car stopped at a private airport wit a pristine jet plane sitting in the middle of the runway ready for takeoff. as soon as he stepped out of the car, a man wearing a grayish suit came out of the plane and orders the thugs to unhand John.

"Brutus! Dave! that is no way to treat a guest! My sincerest apologies Mr.Watson, we had to treat you like that I front of sherlock so he would have some motivation to come and find you. You know how he is, won't do anything unless it gives him some sort of mental thrill ride. How was the trip here? I hope that Brutus and Dave didn't hurt you in any way"

"What in gods name is gone my on here?! I go out this morning to buy milk and then for no reason at all I'm stollen by a complete stranger! I demand some answers!" John was fuming. Who does this ignorant bastard think he is!

"Once again my apologies, my name is Jim Moriarty and I have been observing you and Sherlock for a while now, and I have noticed a special bond you to share" at this he winked at John, witch in turn made John blush an impressive shade of red "I have always admired sherlock, but I could never figure out how to get a reaction from him... But now I have you and my plan will be perfection" he finished the sentence like a French cook would finish a dish, bringing his hand to his mouth as if blowing a kiss.

"What bond?" Asked John looking rather perplexed

We have a bond? Is it a romantic bond?

Don't be daft John sherlock is straight, he meant a bond of friendship.

"So you don't know. Well doesn't this make things fun" moriarty lost himself in his own world for a moment, thinking about God knows what.

A cough came from John breaking the silence.

Moriarty's eyes focused then looked at John "Oh yes John. So shall we board the plane"

John was a bit taken back from the sudden hospitality "err umm sure"

So the two men boarded the plane and flew in silence to moriarty's base.

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