Your friends

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"Why can you cook and I can't?" Eliott asks Lucas while he is sitting on a chair at the dining table.

Lucas starts laughing and looks back at Eliott.

"Yes, there's nothing I can do about that, Eliott."

Eliott shakes his head and smiles, "Not fair."

Then dinner is ready and Lucas puts it on two plates.

"There you go."

"Thank you."

Lucas sits opposite Eliott and takes a sip of his drink.

"What time are you home tonight anyway?" Eliott asks while he lets his food cool down.

"Hmm," Lucas puts the glass down, "Don't wait up, it's probably getting late."

Then it becomes quiet for a moment.

"Sure you won't come?" Lucas asks and looks Eliott straight in the eye.

Eliott takes a bite of the food and shakes his head, "Yes, I don't feel so good. And they are your friends after all."

Lucas looks at Eliott with disbelief and raises his eyebrow. "Are you joking? They like you and they are also your friends."

Eliott shakes his head, "They like me because I'm your boyfriend."

Lucas now looks at Eliott with a more serious (almost angry) look and punches Eliott's with his foot.

"That's how the friendship came about, yes, but you're a cool guy. Otherwise, they wouldn't talk to you voluntarily without my presence, would they?"

Eliott shrugs his shoulders and eats his food quickly.

Lucas has a bad feeling in the meantime. Does he really feel that way about his friends, Lucas thinks.

Lucas occasionally looks up to Eliott but doesn't get eye contact.

Then Eliott has finished his dinner, puts his plate on the table and walks on to Lucas' room without saying anything. He grabs his bag and puts his stuff in it.

Lucas has also finished eating and walks to his room. He opens the door and sees Eliott packing his stuff.

"What are you doing?" Lucas asks worriedly.

Eliott looks up and picks up his shoulder, "You're about to leave and I'll go home."

"You can stay here if you want. Mika will be home soon and then-,"

"My parents just want me to be home tonight," Eliott interrupts Lucas.

Lucas nods and remains standing in the doorway. Eliott has packed up all his stuff and walks up to Lucas. He wants to walk around Lucas, through the doorway, but Lucas stops him with his hand on Eliott's belly.

"They don't feel that way about you, believe me. And you don't have to be friends with them if you don't want to be," Lucas says carefully and softly.

Eliott looks at the ground, he doesn't dare look at Lucas. Then Lucas lifts Eliott's chin so that Eliott looks at him. "Hey."

Lucas stands on his toes and gives Eliott a hug. Eliott puts his head on Lucas' shoulder and his hand slowly goes into Lucas' back.

"Merci," Eliott says softly.

Lucas lets go of him and looks straight into his eyes.

"Shall I come by tomorrow?" Lucas asks.

Eliott nods and walks into the hallway.

"Have fun tonight and say them hello," Eliott says to Lucas.

Lucas walks into the hallway and leans against the wall, "Who is them?"

"Our friends," Eliott chuckles.

- July 12th, made by skam_tumblr on Instagram and Youtube.

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