Escape the Night 1 (Pt. 2)

Start from the beginning

Suddenly a scroll hangs off a rope and Bretman grabs it. Before we could do anything the mummy pharaoh comes back, We all start running I was behind mortimer. He splits the group in half and takes Tana, "Come on"I groaned.

mina's pov

justine was first, "I eat and I speak" was her sentence. She places it on one of them and it blinks twice, She places it on another one and it blinks twice again. We look around, "Justine I think this is a mouth"I say pointing at it. "I thought that was an eye"She says, she placed the urn on it and it lights up once.

minwoo's pov

we open the scroll to see a landscape, and one person in the middle, All it says it knock me down. "Isn't that..."I say looking at Bretman, "Yes!"He says as we head off somewhere while the group follows. I see it and Bretman asked the group to get the rocks, When they come back Rosanna was taken.

"Well that's kind of sexist"I say grabbing a rock, We all try throwing it and Destorm hits it. Another scroll comes down and Bretman grabs it. "That's how you do it. That's how you do it!"Destorm yells scarring Bretman.

mina's pov

Gabbie was next, "I walk without legs" was her sentence. I help Gabbie and point to the snake, She places the urn on it and it lights up once. We high five each other, "You're getting good at this"She says. "Been through hell twice, this is my third round"I say and she nods smiling.

Joey was next, "I take what's left" was his sentence. "There's a vulture down there"I say and Joey places the urn on it and it lights up once. "Three for three"Alex says to me giving me a high five and a kiss on the lips, I push him off rolling my eyes smiling. "Calm your horses Alex, We still have two more"I say.

Colleen was next, "I hold the meal" was her sentence. I look at the hand, while the group sees a bowl. "Wouldn't your hands hold the bowl which holds the meal..."I say to myself, they place it on what seems to be the bowl and the light flickers twice. Colleen then places it on the hand and the light blinks once, "Damn...We should just be listening to Mina"Colleen says patting my shoulder.

Alex was last. "I burn for hours" was his sentence, he puts it on one that looks like a flame. I cross my fingers hoping he's right. Alex sets it down and it was one blink, I sigh in relief. "Good job babe"I says as he stands up. The box opens and inside was a weird weapon and a note.

minwoo's pov

Me and Bretman crack the photo and run off and look for beetles. While Timothy, Destorm and Mortimer follow behind. Bretman finds the first one and following I found the other one, "Got it"I say as the others look for the other ones.

We soon find all of them and this thing comes down being hung with a blood light appearing with it. We bring it back and Destorm places it on the stand when a chest opens up, Bretman pulls out the sphinxes. Bretman holds it as we head back to the other group.

mina's pov

Alex reads that the thing we have is basically like a lie director. He says that it tells when people are guilty and then says, try it on the group. "Guilt of what?"Gabbie asked, "Anything or like one thing?"I ask confused. Joey places it on all of our foreheads, but I think I already know.

It can't be one of us, we don't know the fucking dude or at least from what I know. It can't be the sorceress because again, she probably doesn't know. That just leaves one person, His wife. Who seems oddly suspicious, She's just looking at us. Joey tried the sorceress and it didn't do anything, "You"I say as the queen ran.

I chased after her grabbing her, Colleen and Justine helped me. We brought her back, She said she killed him because she wanted what was rightfully hers. The gem glows as Joey puts it to her forehead, "So she killed her husband?"I say. Someone says Joey has to kill her, but the sorceress said "Fuck that" and killed the queen right in front of us.

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