Chapter 3 - Blocked Address

Start from the beginning

We were born and raised to obey the rules. We weren’t taught of the past, only the present and the future. We were taught to live in peace and not to fight. Rebels don’t exist and it seems a crime to even think so.

Brittany’s brain and my brain are wired with curiosity. We want answers where there doesn’t seem to be any. Despite my attempt to give up, the curiosity’s still there but it’s not in my blood. It’s just a part of me. I’m different. I can feel it. I’m changing. This whole world is but how do I stop it? How do I know if all of this is meant to be or if I’m going to be the one responsible for causing a war?

I had the dream again but this time it changed. This time I woke up after I was dead. I didn’t die and I was in the body of a girl named Rolla. I lifted up my shirt and panicking that there wasn’t even a scar. At first I thought it was a dream but my bloody clothes were on the floor.

The phone ringing interrupted my thoughts and played a beautiful unique song. I don’t know what song it was, but the lyrics keep playing through my head. When I answered the phone, it was Rolla’s mom. She was confused and Rolla didn’t say much before hanging up.

She.. or me, I guess, stood up and went to my desk. I sat down and checked my email and blog or website. There was a picture of a tiger’s eye in the corner of the website. I switched to my email before noticing any other details. I had a new anonymous message. It was a warning. I had to hide and burn the clothes and leave no trace of them.

That’s when I woke up from the dream. It’s the first time in sixteen years that it’s ever changed. Brittany believes it’s God. She says He needed to send me a sign so I wouldn’t give up anymore. I think I’m starting to believe her this time. I’m not sure I believe in God, but some higher power up there didn’t want me to give up. I had no idea that giving up would give me the motivation I needed to keep going. Life has surprises for all of us and I think mine’s just beginning.


Lily Allen Carter

            It was passed two in the morning when I finished writing in my diary. I finally started to get tired so I went back to my bed and fell asleep. I woke up to my mom screaming at me at seven the next morning.

“Lily Allen Carter you knew you were not supposed to see Brittany again, why did you disobey my rules!”

“What are you talking about?” I asked groggily sitting up in my bed, “How do you know I saw her?”

“Her dad was in his study last night and he saw you sneak in.”

“How can you expect me not to see her? She’s my best friend! I didn’t do anything wrong I don’t know why everyone thinks I’m crazy. We’ve known each other our whole lives, they would have known before now that I’m crazy.”

“No one said you’re crazy.”

“Close enough,” I stood up and walked to the bathroom, “I’m getting ready for school.”

“Learn to obey the rules,” Mom said before leaving my room.

            As soon as she shut my door, I went back to my bed and fell asleep.  Brittany started pushing me awake a few hours later.

“What time is it?” I sat up on my bed.

“It’s noon,” Brittany replied, “You missed the first half of school.”

“I didn’t fall asleep until almost two this morning. I was tired.”

“Your mom’s going to kill you if she finds out you skipped.”

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