Chapter 5- The Avengers

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Alexia's POV

I bolted upright, panting and sweating. I looked around and didn't recognize my surroundings. I was in a bedroom. I had no idea what Hydra was up to, but I wouldn't fall for it. My eyes widened and everything came rushing back. Her exploring hands, discovering old and new scars. Natasha moaning my name. I felt an arm tensed around my middle. I looked to my side and found Natasha lying there with a content look on her face. I relaxed knowing that it wasn't a dream. Some tears sprung to my eyes when I realised it wasn't a dream and I was back in her arms. I relaxed fully. She was sprawled on the bed with one arm under her pillow and her other arm around my waist, her leg entangled with mine. She looked beautiful. Her red hair slightly messy and she just looked so peaceful. After a few minutes, my beautiful wife began to stir. Her green-blue eyes open, clouded with sleep but cleared when they locked onto mine. I smiled and said, "Good morning, my love." She smiled. "Morning." Her voice tired. I smiled and relaxed further into her arms. I felt her hands running over my new scars. I could see the sadness an anger in her eyes. I had explained a little, but she knew I couldn't tell her just yet. My hand brushed her cheek and I pulled her by my other arm, which was around her waist, further into my body. I sighed in content as she was flush against my body.

Few more minutes were spent in total bliss, no talking was needed. We were content to just be with another, but our time was interrupted by knock on the door. I scowled at it and Natasha chuckled. I sighed and got up. I made sure Natasha was covered and opened the door. Completely naked. A blonde man was stood there, and his eyes went wide and his face red. He quickly averted his eyes from my naked body. I arched a brow at him, and he stuttered out "Um...Everyone is waiting for you two in the living room." He avoided eye contact and looked anywhere but me and quickly turned around and walked off. I laughed quietly as I closed the door. I felt a pair of arms wrap around my middle. "Darling, I think you've scarred Steve." I felt her kiss my bare shoulder. I grinned and turned around and wrapped my arms around Natasha's waist. "Oh no, he got a look at this flawless body!" She chuckled then smacked my arm and walked towards the bathroom. "OW! The hell was that for!" She scowled at me, but I could see the playfulness in her eyes. "That, Alex, was for letting him see you naked." I stood there slightly gobs smacked but snapped out of it as she said, "You coming?" I grinned and responded, "Not yet." I heard her laugh as I made way to the bathroom.

After having a shower that took longer than it should have, we got changed and just as I was about to walk out the door, Nat grabbed my wrist and said, "Wait a minute." I looked at her confused as she went over to some draws and pulled out a box. I recognized it as my eyes filled with tears that I refused to let fall. She walked up until she was in front of me. She opened the box and there sat our rings. They both had ivy vines etched on them and were pure silver. She grabbed my hand and gently put my wedding ring back on. She stated in Russian "My life, love and fear." I stated back to her as I put her wedding band on her finger "My sun and stars." I smiled at that as I recognized as her wedding vows. I remembered it like it was yesterday.


My hands were shaking as I stood in the archway in my suit waiting for my fiancé, soon to be wife, to walk towards me. The music started and my jaw dropped as she arrived. She looked stunning. Her hair was done up in a bun with a few strands loose. Her wedding dress fit her like a glove. She looked absolutely breath taking. I refused to cry but it was hard as I was so overwhelmed with the love I had for Natasha. I swear I just fell in love with her looks all over again. She stood in front of me. "Hi." I grinned as she smiled and replied "Hi". I practically clutched her hands for dear life and when the priest said for us to say our vows, she started in Russian "Alexia, you are my life, love and fear. The love I have for you is impossible to measure and you are my fear. My biggest fear would be losing you but at the same time, you make all my fears disappear. I will love you until the end of time and I promise to protect and love you forever." My smile got impossibly wider. I then said mine. "Natalia, my sun and stars. Nothing or no one will ever compare to you. Neither the sun nor the stars will ever compare to how beautiful you are to me. I am forever grateful that you exist in my life and that you allowed me to love you. I will cherish you and love you until I no longer can. Which is a very long time." She laughed at that. "I will always be with you and no one will take me from you and if they do, I will fight through hell to make sure I stay by your side." We were both crying by this point and then we put our rings on and suddenly we were wife and wife. And it felt amazing.

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