Ch 19

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Night Time

I look around seeing the various cars and hearing engines roaring with a smile on my face. Stark has been blowing up my phone, I sent him a simple text that I was fine but he was still at it.

"Damn I missed this." I say looking over at Hakeem.

"Ready to hit the streets?" He asks with a smirk.

"Fuck yeah just waiting for someone to race." I say looking around but I had this feeling like I was being watched.

"Well look who decided to show up." I hear the annoying voice of Javier.

"Ah Javier came to pass off a stolen car as yours?" I ask making him clench his jaw.

"Yeah that's a big no no around here." Hakeem tells him crossing his arms.

"You don't even race anymore, this car deserves more." He says looking at my car that we were leaning on.

"Actually I plan racing tonight just waiting for a challenger." I shrug paying him no mind.

"I'll race you, for this beauty." He places his hand on the hood of my car.

"Alright but your car is up for grabs too." I nod over to his Mazda making him clench his jaw.

" I nod over to his Mazda making him clench his jaw

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"Andale pues." He says.

(Let's go then)

"Keem tell Marcus what's up." I say making him nod walking away.

"You know we can race for money instead. I don't want to embarrass you by taking your car." I say turning back to Javier.

He glares at me and walks away back to his car. I look around still feel like I'm being watched. Hakeem comes back.

"Alright it's official you racing tonight." He says making me smirk.

"And it looks like imma get another car today. I guess I'm starting a collection." I say making him chuckle

"Hi Apex." I hear a feminine voice say making me turning turn to my right.

"Hey Madison." I smirk and can't help look at her up and down.

"I just heard you were racing tonight." She smiles coming over to us.

"Already?" I ask with an amused chuckle.

"What can I say, word travels fast at these things." She shrugs and I raise an eyebrow at her.

"And Javier is telling people what he's going to do with your car when he wins." She says making me slightly clench my jaw.

Apex Avenger | Natasha RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now