Shit. Right when the words left your mouth you wished you could take them back. You lost no one in the situation, you should be grateful. Peter lost many people, it wasn't fair of you to say that. Not at all.

"Really? You think I don't know loss? I know loss y/n. I've lost many people that I love. You, of all people should know that."

"I- I'm sorry I shouldn't have say that I didn't mean it like that-"

Peter sniffled, "Gotta go."

And he hung up. Both of you crying on either side.



You got a text message. Fully expecting it to be Peter and wanting to talk to him again you jumped to your phone. But it wasn't.

It was your newer friend whom you've become closer with in the past month, Harley Keener. The text read,

Call me.

And so you did. The line rang not even once before Harley picked up.

"Y/n are you okay?"

"Uh yeah, what's up?"

"Peter texted me, said something happened between you two, just wanted to make sure you are okay."

"It's just a little argument but I have to apologise to him, I didn't say good things."

You were interrupted by your front door slamming shut and the ping of the elevator.

"Well just apologise then?"

"It's not that simple Harley. He did something bad to me."

"Woah woah woah, what kind of bad?"

You panicked, wording something wrong the second time that night, "No he just lied to me, but not for a good reason. And it hurt me."

"Ohhh so you want him to apologise first?"

"Uh I don't know. I should just give it a night."

"You guys will probably work it out again, but I'm always here for you. Bye y/n."

"Thanks, bye Harley," you smiled into the phone.

You hung up and walked to the kitchen to see what the ruckus was about. There was no one home.


He wasn't in his bedroom.

You went to the living room where he wasn't sat either. But you saw an envelope on the empty coffee table. An envelope with your name written on it in bold letters. You looked around the room before picking it up and struggling to open the seal. You took the letter out and scanned it with your eyes reading each and every word carefully.

It's time you know what happened. The car accident I was in was not an accident. It was purposefully done by my ex-partner at work. Yes, the work I always go away for. My old partner and I had a past. We were close and worked thoroughly together under a powerful man. Then my partner lied several times, hurting people. Hurting our boss's reputation, and making me do things I didn't want to do. When I refused him, I went to the boss and he was fired and evicted in the same moment. I made him lose his job and he wanted to get me back. So, he paid a woman to crash into my car.
He visited me at the hospital and told me all this. I have been in contact with him again. Not that I want to be, but he has threatened several people I love several times. So this is for the best. I'm sorry I kept you out of my work life and lied about what I did, but really I meant no harm.
I am with my old partner again and working under him. I cant tell you where that is or who he is, mom knows but I wish she didn't. You guys will be fine with out me. I love you, goodbye. Don't worry about me, whatever happens.

Oh and pls contact Pepper Stark asap.

You were speechless, your throat was dry and you just stared at the letter.
He left.

You didn't know what to do. Who was his partner, who did he work for.

What was going to happen to your dad?

So you called Pepper Stark.


"Hello," the voice you remembered of Pepper answered the phone.

You didn't know what to say so you simply put it as:

"It's y/n y/l/n. I need to know about my dad."

AGAIN: Peter Parker x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now