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Warning: peter being adorable as fuck uwu

Your POV


I wasn't expecting to see Peter now, even though I had told him he was welcome over whenever. But without hesitation, I let him in.

"Please, come in," I started as he walked in the foyer, "what brings you here?"

"Well uh, I know you said I could pop in whenever, so um, i'm here, hi?"

I laughed, "Yeah, yeah. Do you want to stay for dinner? It should be ready soon."

"Oh! Yeah, sure if you don't mind. That would be...nice."

I nodded my head and notice my mom walking over.

"Oh hello Peter. How are you?" she asked.

"I'm great Mrs. y/l/n, thanks, and you?" Peter answered.

"Busy as ever! You're welcome to stay for dinner. I just finished laundry so it will be up any minute."

Peter smiled widely and my mom walked to the kitchen.

"Shall we?" I asked.

"We shall," he said.

Peter and I walked over to the dining table sitting side by side while my mom walked placed down dishes of food. Peter took off his jacket and my mom sat down across from us just as my father walked in.

"Something smells good— wait a second...is that Mr. Peter Parker?" My dad called out.

"Sure is," I laughed.

"Hi Mr. y/l/n," Peter said softly.

"Long time no see pal. How is everything?" My father asked. ( 'pal' sldkajnfdn idk why i just did that, i'm leaving it but i'm-)

"Yeah sure has, and everything is good I guess," Peter replied, a hint of mental debate in his voice. He did seem to be acting a little different this weekend. Conversation continued on between us while we ate. My dad cracked a few jokes, Peter laughing politely, and my mom and I shaking our heads. Peter seemed to get more confident as we went on.

"So, how did you two, you know, get back in touch?" my father asked.

"Well we got paired up for a project in chem and realized we kind of left each other behind. But we have been hanging out again and all," Peter smiled.

"Yeah," I agreed, "and Peter is literally so smart and kind, he's a great friend, best I've ever had."

I smiled over at Peter and he contained a blush on his cheeks. What a dork.


Peter's POV

After eating at y/n's, I thanked everyone, said my goodbyes and left. Her family was so kind and so was she. I have to admit, her words made me blush. But I had to get over this so called crush. We couldn't be together. Right? It would only ruin our friendship, and she has Dylan. Not to mention my huge secret.

I walked into an alleyway a few blocks from y/n's apartment to where I had my backpack webbed up against a dumpster. I took my clothes off that were on top of my suit and grabbed my mask, quickly heading home not to make May worry.

May was asleep on the couch with the news playing softly in the background, I didn't want to disturb her so I tiptoed to my room. Well tried to. The floorboards squeaked loudly with each step. I swear, they are louder only when you want them to be quiet!

When I got to my bedroom, I flopped on my bed only to be interrupted by my phone ringing. It was y/n. I immediately answered it.

"Hey! What's up!" I said.

"Oh nothing. I just wanted to tell you that you left your jacket at my place. So I will bring it to you tomorrow," she said.

"Sorry about that I—"

"No, no! It's no big deal," she laughed.

"Why would I apologize for that, get it together Peter," I thought I muttered in my head, except I said it aloud.


"Umm nothing, nothing. What? Oh uh y/n, May is calling me got to go bye! See you at school bye!" I hung up before she could say anything back. Why didn't she just text, it would have saved me from embarrassment.

I sighed and tried to fall asleep, thinking about today's events.

Your POV

After Peter went home I decided to get ready for bed to get a good nights sleep. Much needed. As I walked down the hall back to my room from the bathroom, I overheard my dad on the phone. I was a bit nosey, bad habit.

"What do you mean I have to go? Can't this wait at least another week?" he questioned.

"I just got back home and you need me in Vancouver the second I get back? This is ridiculous!"

"Alright, alright. I'll be there. And it's just three days? Are you sure?"

"Fine. Goodbye."

He finished his conversation, obviously frustrated. What did he mean he had to go to Vancouver?

"What was that all about?" I asked.

"Oh didn't see you there. Well, turns out boss needs me in Vancouver for three days, something about a big sale to a paper company."

"So you are leaving again? Just like that?"

"Y/n, you know I can't control this. Boss is leaving for Australia and this is supposedly huge for our company. I wish I didn't have to go, but... I do. It's only for three days, I'm sorry."

"Okay," I sighed. And with that, I went to bed knowing I would not get much sleep tonight.

Sorry this isn't as long as other parts, kinda a filler chapter while i'm still figuring out how to incorporate the next big scene... but I've got it mostly figured out. also ty for 500+ read omf

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