n i n e t e e n

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this song ^was kinda how i got the idea for this book hahah get it? again.

warnings: swearing! crying and anger and ANGST, hold onto your hats for this one y'all

1830 words

Your POV

"I...I have to tell you something," Peter said softly, the rain continuing to drench us.

"You can tell me anything, Peter."

"You," he simply said, I was confused.


"You," he said again, "Earlier you asked me what I dreamt about. I dream about you. Every night you're on my mind before I fall asleep, it's always you. Because I am...I- I am in love with you."

As he said these things, I froze. I didn't know what to do besides just listen.

"And before you say anything, I know you have a boyfriend who loves you and we probably were never meant to have a relationship. I know that little. But I also know that I cannot keep hiding my feelings. I am in love with you, y/n, I always have been. I don't wanna be your friend, I wanna be your lover, but I also know you do not love me back."

I still stood still, I was shocked. He loved me? I thought he only thought of me as a friend. I didn't even know what to say to him. My jaw was just dropped, staring at him, him staring back anxiously.

"Peter, I...do...I don't know what to say to that. I love you too but-"

"Just as a friend because you already have a boyfriend. I get it y/n. It's just- you had to know." He cut me off, putting the rest of my words out for me.

"Anyways I gotta go, May is probably worried or something. You should go inside, it's getting cold, see you around, y/n," he said breaking the minute of silence with light tears streaming down his cheeks, jaw tense. And with that he turned to walk home.

"Peter, wait!"

"Just forget about it, y/n!" he shouted back, not even turning around to face me. I didn't want to stop him, but at the same time I did. I was so lost, my best friend had feelings for me and I didn't even know. Not just feelings, love, real love I could tell he felt. He wasn't lying.

At this point I didn't know what to do. I went in the lobby of my apartment and sat down on a bench, thinking. Did I make a mistake not running after him? Am I going to regret not saying something more? I couldn't even think about how I felt right now. I just needed comfort, so I did the one thing I could think of, walking to Dylan's house.

If anything, he would probably know what to do. He might get angry at Peter, but I could stop that. I just needed to talk about my feelings before I got too confused.

——time skip to Dylan's house smh——

I texted Dylan on my way over telling him I needed to talk to him and I'd be there soon, he didn't get back to my right away but I knew he would be home. He called me over an hour ago, anyways.

I knocked nervously on his door, but there wasn't an answer and the lights were on so I just opened the door, which happened to be unlocked. Dylan was home, his back pack he took out everywhere was sitting by the front door.

"Dyl? It's me, can we talk a sec?" No reply. I started to think he wasn't home until I heard his laugh come from upstairs. I ran up the stairs, eager to get this whole Peter being in love with me out of my system and vent to someone close to me.

I ended up in front of his closed bedroom door, waiting, like something was holding me back. My nerves or something else. Finally, I took a deep breath, reassuring my self that I needed to talk about this. So I lightly knocked on his door and opened it at the same time, feeling relieved to be here.

AGAIN: Peter Parker x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now