Chapter Two: Capture

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A/N: Another chapter done! Once again, I'm not sure how I feel about this chapter mostly because I didn't know how to end it. The characters are probably OOC. >3< But I still hope you guys enjoy it!^^

(F/C) - Favorite Color

(Y/N) Pov

I woke up to the sound of.. Horses? I immediately got up standing on all fours, my instinct kicking in telling me to protect my nest. I decided to leave my nest to check who it was, who entered back in this forest since wild horses won't possible. They would have gotten eaten before they made it towards my area.

Once I stepped outside my nest, I was on guard and ready to attack yet I saw no one. I also didn't hear any horses.. What was going on? I can't be hearing noises, for crying out loud I'm a Titan! My guard was lower at this point since I couldn't hear any noises. That was until my ears twitch at the slightest sound of something coming closer through the trees. Out of instinct, I let out a deep growl of warning as my tail raised from behind me, the sounds weren't too big and the trees barely move.. It wasn't a large enemy but the question was what it was- Humans? Again? I question myself after analyzing the area.

They were the only ones who could make a noise like that since they were not as loud as an animal or Titan, and they move without rustling much of the trees. Could this be the humans from yesterday? If so, it explains the noise that was being made. They were most likely using their small machines.. But what did they want? One of them got attacked yesterday.. This area was empty, but that didn't mean that there weren't any Titans around. Ack, I really need to stop thinking about this. My questions nor curiosity won't be answered or calm like this, adding to that I gave myself away by growling like that!

Before I could head back to my nest to hide, the blonde from yesterday appears from the trees. His expression seemed determined yet nervous as if he was looking for something. I watched him my eyes were widen slightly in surprised, at least he was fine but why was he here?! It seemed he noticed me as well since his eyes widen and expression became more nervous as he spoke, "F-Found you! I-I wanted to talk to you!"

Talk? Why? I let out a small rumble, telling him to continue that I was listening to what he had to say. But I stayed on guard, he was near my nest but he didn't seem the type to harm me or my nest, but I didn't want to trust him completely on that. It made me caution about my surrendering and actions. I lowered my tail to let him know I didn't mean him any harm, that seemed to relax him at least a little, "I-I wanted to thank you for saving me yesterday! I-I also wanted to know why and.. W-What you are! I haven't seen any o-other Titan like yourself!"

I almost chuckled, if that was possible. I instead let out a very quiet purr before opening my mouth up startling the blonde greatly as small streaks of steam escaped my mouth, "H-Humans.. A-Are not f-for eat-eating.. T-They sh-should l-live with-without w-worry of b-being outside be-be-because of u-us.." I managed to say as the blonde's expression turn into pure shock. "D-Don't know.. W-What me i-is t-though.." I huff softly, my speaking was horrible but it was also exhausting to speak. "Y-You can s-speak..? A-And you don't know..?" The blonde question, still in pure shock but there were hints of interest in his eye, "I-I'm-" "ARMIN!!"

My and Armin's attention snapped towards behind him, I growled lowly. I should have known he wouldn't come alone, but he seemed just as surprised and maybe a bit guilty. Out the trees came a brunette male with teal/green eyes and a ravenette female with gray eyes, the brunette landed on the same tree branch Armin stood on before running over to him and gripping onto his shoulders, shaking him,"I told you to stay beside me and Mikasa! We were supposed to warn Corporal Levi once we found the Titan!" The ravenette which I guessed was, Mikasa since she was with the brunette walked over towards them, "Eren, he found her." She pointed towards me as the brunette which seemed to be called Eren released his friend to look at where she pointed at, his eyes widening seeing me.

I let out a growling noise as I lifted my tail, they were trying to find me? Why? What did they need from me, were they going to try and kill me? If so, I needed to react before they did. So, I ran towards the left heading towards the big field. I needed more space and somewhere where they couldn't use their machines. Since I was in between my nest and the humans, I wouldn't be able to do anything without harming myself in the process because of the trees and I didn't need one flying at me while I tried defending myself. As I ran, I heard Armin yelling for me while the brunette said something about their Corporal but I couldn't care at the moment nor did I listen.

Once I ran into the wide field, I looked back towards the forest. There was no noise at least for a bit because the next thing I know, a yellow lightning bolt appears out the sky and hit something or rather someone before a muscular Titan was running towards me at a fast rate while he roared. I was caught off guard. I never saw that nor this Titan before and he had the familiar look of the brunette from earlier, but that couldn't be possible.. Right? Either way, I reacted swiping my tail at him which he managed to dodge before he leaped at me, in turn, I moved my tail again whacking him to which he went unbalance and failed to grab me. I walked backward trying to place as much space between us, but because my focus was on the male Titan I failed to notice the humans that appear from the forest and were heading towards me, that was until someone was giving out orders.

My attention went towards the humans, couldn't they see that there was another Titan? Were they going to try and kill you both? No matter how skilled they could be, I didn't think that they could take both of us down. I grunt out when I felt a sudden force of being pushed down and my tail being grabbed as well as my nape, I tried to look up and see what it was realizing it was the Titan from earlier as I started hardening my nape to which it forms a (F/C) crystal layer to keep from being ripped or bitten off. Unknowningly to me, the male Titan was surprised in seeing the (F/C) crystal layer but he kept his hold. I was worried about the humans that my focus and guard were down, it was a reckless thing for me to do knowing that I had an enemy in front of me which now it caused me to be in this situation.

I opened my mouth, steam escaping from it as I let out a loud piercing roar. This affects both humans and the Titan on me as they covered their ears while the Titan tried quieting me down, he grabbed my hair and slammed me face-first into the ground. I did quiet down, eyes wide at his actions as it let me know that this Titan wasn't normal like the other since the others wouldn't fight or react like that. But I couldn't give up, in an attempt to free myself I tried my best in lifting myself up with the Titan on me or even moving my tail yet they both failed since the Titan on me pulled my tail and pressed his knee into the low area of my back since it was the only area without bones peeking out of it and it was also a weak point since my movements stopped.

The humans were much closer now, I lifted my head the best I could as the Titan kept his hand on my nape. I growled before letting out a sharp whimper of warning, the Titan above me growling in response but it sounded confused more than anything. I'm trying to warn them! Can't they at least see that- Are they working with this Titan..? Their expression doesn't seem fearful especially the two ravenette's.. That brunette has a scary expression as well.. Either way, I couldn't do much with how I was being held down, not only is my tail in his hold but so is my nape. I watched as the humans came closer but the male ravenette started ordering around,"You brats should remember the plan. Catch it!" The others nodded and started to surround myself and the Titan, I kept my eyes to the front, so it was true. They worked together, is that why they were looking for me to have another Titan in their hold..?

The brunette with the scary expression earlier (Because Hanji was excited to see a Titan like yourself) spoke excitedly, "LEVI, IT'S A 'SHE'! AND SHE IS BEAUTIFUL! LOOK AT THAT TAIL AND HER EYES, OH AND HER SPINE!" She babbled on and on about my appearance as she got closer with her horse, but a growl from the Titan above me warned her making her stop in her tracks, "Don't worry! I don't think she'll hurt me at all, Eren!" She grinned in excitement as my eyes widen at that name, wasn't it that human boy's name? Why was she calling this Titan that? "Tch. You need to shut the hell up, shitty glasses. I'm sure that titan brat wouldn't hesitate," The male ravenette huffed clearly annoyed with her. "Now, get the hell out the way." He ordered her as she pouts but listened moving out the way allowing the others to tie me up, "I can't wait to test her!"

The Titan moved once I was tied up the best way they could manage most was around my neck, tail, and legs since the bones on my spine could be used and it was hard to place some around there anyways but my bones peeked out from the net slightly or kept it up. They were clearly trying to keep from harming me, if they weren't I'm sure that Titan would have cause some damage on me. "Hurry and grab her, brat. We don't have any more time to waste. Place her on the cart," The short Corporal ordered as he frowns. The Titan listening to the order had picked me up the best he could, placing me on some type of flat cart, "There, the titan brat isn't harmed as you ask for, shitty glasses and brat," The ravenette spoke to both the brunette and Armin. 

"ITS TIME TO HEAD BACK FOR EXPERIMENTS!" The brunette squealed as she rode her horse next to me as I was dragged by the Titan. Where were we heading? And experiments? I didn't like the idea of being captured like this or being dragged away, yet I couldn't do anything not like I wanted too either. After all, I don't think I could handle a crowd of humans and a Titan that was most likely like myself. 

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