"Oh no!" She said, covering her mouth.

"We will take him to the infirmary." Seiren informed them. "We don't have much time."


It had taken a while to get the bullets out.

The last one landed on the tray, the loud sound echoing within the room.

The headmaster gave a relieved sigh, looking to the nurse. "Please have those disposed off."

She nodded, quickly leaving the room.

"You should be able to heal, now." He said softly, turning back to the young Vampire.

His hair was curly and messy, and his face was peaceful. If it weren't for the blood stained clothes on the floor, it would almost look like he were asleep.

His wounds were healing slowly, meaning he was in need of blood, and he would have to wait a few days until he was fully healed.

The poor child hadn't been drinking properly...

The headmaster sighed, taking his glasses off and pinching the bridge of his nose. Who was this person? And how did they get injured? It's obvious this was the doing of a hunter, but why?

He heard a knock, surprised to see three heads poke through the door.

Takuma furrowed his eyebrows, his eyes wet. "Is he..?"

The headmaster smiled. "He'll be fine. You can all come in."

The three of them quickly entered the room, surrounding their friend with a torn look.

"Why would someone do this..?" Rima asked, placing a hand on Hiro's arm.

"A hunter." Senri told her.

"But what did Hiro do? He wouldn't harm anyone!" Rima said, anger rising.

The headmaster paused. "You know him?"

Takuma nodded. "We met a couple weeks ago in town."

The headmaster listened to the story of how they met. He was worried, but otherwise happy they had found a Vampire saving a human. It gave a bit of hope to know he'd wanted to protect a human.

"We tried to convince him to come here, but he declined..." Takuma ran a hand through his hair. His face was full of irritation, but it was directed at himself.

If only they had been more persistent, maybe. But he didn't want to force Hiro to come, that would be more cruel.

And yet, by not doing so, Hiro has been left out in the open and attacked.

"I see." The headmaster placed a hand on his chin, eyes narrowing.

His thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door.

The four of them looked over.

"Kaname..." The headmaster began.

He stepped inside, closing the door. "I've calmed the Night Class." He looked to Takuma and Senri, who stood beside the bed with a frowning Rima. "Please head back to the dorms."

"...We know we missed curfew, but-" Takuma began, stepping forward. His hands were out, ready to explain the situation and hopefully ask if they could stay with their injured friend.

He paused when Kaname silently looked over to him, his face leaving no room for an argument or explanation.

Takuma sighed, turning to his friends with a small smile. "...alright. Let's go, guys. We can visit tomorrow."

Reluctantly, they left the room, sparing one last glance at their friend.

The door closed, and the headmaster looked to Kaname.

"Don't be too hard on them." He said with a smile. "They were only looking out for their friend."

Kaname walked forward calmly, and it seemed like he couldn't get to the bed fast enough.

Slow steps.

A soft breath.

His eyes landed on his baby brother.

Cross frowned in confusion, before taking off his glasses. He gave Kaname a weary face, one full of worry.

"I take it you know him?" Cross asked.

Kaname finally got to the bed.

He didn't look to the headmaster, but answered him.

"He is...Juri and Haruka's second child."

Cross didn't mean to make such a face. His eyes went wide, his mouth parting slightly as a gasp left him.

He looked to the sleeping boy, realizing he looked too familiar.

"You...you never said there was another child. Neither of them did." Cross put the pieces together in his head like a crossword puzzle.

He stepped closer to the two of them.

"What happened to him?"

Kaname nodded. "They hid him very well... He was supposed to be born with Yuki, but he came out earlier, which frightened Juri."

Cross could imagine the face she made, giving birth prematurely.

He'd never heard of a Pureblood being born early, or having any pregnancy or delivery  issues.

"He was healthy and happy...until Rido made contact with him, and stole him away the very same night Yuki lost her memories." He finally turned around, resemblance in both Kuran's faces.

Kaname's face was tight, appearing calm, but his eyes swirling with something different.

Something...almost happy, but regretful.

"...I see." He gave a soft smile. "I'll make sure the other students are alright." The headmaster said, leaving the room. He knew Kaname would want to be alone, and Cross himself needed time to process this new information.

Kaname's hands touched the sides of Hiro's face. His cheeks were soft, his eyelashes were long and thick, and his hair had become longer.

He smiled, leaning his head down and connecting their foreheads.

Guilt and pain flew around his heart like an electric current, stinging him and bringing tears to his eyes as he held Hiro's hand.

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