After we finally got her into the backseat of Maryam’s car she asked, “Would you like me to drop you too?” “Nah, you would have to take a double route. I’ll just rent a cab.” She nodded and started driving. As the car disappeared into the distance I realized that I was all alone on a deserted street.                  

 I speculated on whether to get a cab and go home or go back to the party. I finally decided to go back and ask Huan-yue if she wanted to share a cab. I stopped in my tracks as I saw someone standing just a few paces away. The darkness made it impossible to see who it was but for a minute there I couldn’t let go of the feeling that this person could be Daniel. I began walking towards the silhouetted figure and when I was close enough, I saw that this guy had blonde hair. A little disappointed I turned towards Joe’s house again, only to be blocked by an attractive young woman with the similar blonde hair as the guy; both their clothing was equally black as the night itself. She grabbed my arm and said, “You’re coming with us!” Chills ran down my spine and I realized it was my powers telling me that she was a vampire and there was another one behind me. Well, strangers forcing you to come with them is one thing, but them being vampire gives a whole new perspective.

“No, I’m not!” I replied and my voice sounded more confident than I felt. I tried forcing her to let go of my arm, but instead she tightened her grip. I gave her a hard push and she had an option to either let me go or break the bones in my hand. I was relieved that she chose not to break my hand; it meant that she didn’t want to hurt me but then again I could be wrong. My senses spiked and I turned around just in time to face the other male vampire who was now apparently just inches away from me. This close, I could see that he looked similar to the woman behind me. Maybe they were twins, but I was too afraid to ask.

“Didn’t you hear her?! You’re coming with us whether you like it or not,” he said, making a move to grab me. I screamed and on my frantic plan to get away I tripped and fell flat on my stomach, my face smashed on the ground. For a second I wondered if I was going to have a swollen face tomorrow, then the guy grabbed my hair and pulled, not too hard but enough that it hurt. My heart rate increased to a much higher level as if I had been running. I knew that with their vampire speed I couldn’t possibly outrun them, but I had to try. I wasn’t going down without a fight. I got up on my knees and looked at them. Blood began to drip out from the side of my mouth. The male vampire’s eyes trailed the blood, I guess I was in the worst situation then I originally imagined. If only I had some kind of a weapon. In my mind, I prayed to God for some kind of miracle to save me from this horrible situation. Maybe it was my prayer being answered that somebody shouted “Let her go!”

I turned towards the source of my rescuer only to find a very familiar looking face, except his eyes weren’t his anymore. They were amber, which reflected the beast that hid inside him. Of all the people in the world, I didn’t really expect my former boyfriend, Kyle to come rescue me and here he was. The male vampire let go of my hair and turned towards him, the female turned towards me and said, “Don’t go anywhere; I’ll be back when we finish him off.” I got a feeling that she was used to people following her commands. They attacked him and most of it was blurred, maybe it was the supernatural speed that made me not catch up with the fight or maybe it was because of the concussion. The male vampire came out of the blur and fell on the ground, blocks away from the fight, with a loud thud. He hissed in a way that was far from being normal and gave me goose bumps. The blood dripping from the deep scratch marks all over his body that made him look creepier than he did a few moments ago. He seemed to be thinking while the female vamp fell on the ground with a very prominent bloody scar on her face. She turned towards her comrade and said something in a foreign language. They gave me one final look and within seconds they were crawling into the night with a speed that only the supernatural possessed. Frankly, I was impressed, if Kyle could fight with two vampires without losing his ground, then he must be a really powerful werewolf.

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