. . .

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When I'm depressed
There's never ending pain shooting through my chest
And the only way to ease the pain is to end my ability to feel it

When I'm depressed
It gets dangerous
And the light just bleeds into the darkness

When I'm depressed
Nothing sounds appealing
The words and the feeling don't match

When I'm depressed
Everything seems like a marathon
Nothing ever ends it just goes on and on

When I'm depressed
I can't stand to look into my parents eyes
Because they always see through my lies

When I'm depressed
I try to cut everyone off and hide
Because I don't want anyone to be surprised when I take my life

When I'm depressed
I know it'll pass
Because feelings alongside life don't last
And one will free me eventually

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2019 ⏰

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