No. 2: A Little About You And How You Met Them (Part 1)

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A little warning that this is LONG lmao
And I mean it

Also, drink espresso to forger your depresso if you catch it while reading this lmao some part is pretty sad lololol

(Word count: 6000+ words)
Y/n: Your name.
W/n: Weapon name.
Y/n/n: Your nick name.
H/N/1: Horse name 1.
H/N/2: Horse name 2.
Y/L/N: Your lover's name.


   "Goodbye dad!" You picked up your bags and called out for your parents from the inside of the train, headed to where the Dojo is.

   "Goodbye darling! Make sure to call us often!" Your dad smiles, waving goodbye with happy tears in his eyes.

   "Don't worry dad, I'll make sure to do so! Stay safe!" You said, as the train began to moved.

   After putting your bags away and finding an empty spot to sit down, you sigh happily with your W/n in your hand.

   It's been your dream to be able to join the Dojo since you were just a little kid. You've spent the past ten years working hard and training to be able to get accepted in the Dojo by the one the only, Hyun when you finished your demonstration successfully and sent it to their website.

   "I cannot believe that this is all happening right now!"

   You giggled to yourself, until some thing else appeared in your mind.


   She died protecting you while there was a terrorist attack in your old hometown. Your dad was out of town, so no one was there to save her.

   Kind and brave, she was one of the best fighters that the Dojo ever has. Too bad she decided that she wants to live a normal life so she put down her W/n and retire early. As her child with the same dream like their mother when she was younger, you picked up the weapon that she put down and began to walk on the same road that your mother used to.

   You want to be able to protect the ones around you, or at least make this world a little better for everyone to live in.

   You smiled to yourself at how proud your mother must've felt about you, whipping your tears away before closing your eyes, and the next thing you know is that you are now standing in front of the gates that's separates you from your dream.

    "Alright, this is for you, mom!" You inhaled and when you're about to touch the gate, it slowly opened itself, and reveal the place of your dream.

   "Greetings, Y/n! Welcome to Hyun's Dojo!" A familiar voice greeted you before you even notice what's going on.

   It was from no one else but the legendary lime green fighter, Alfa. The one that you can only see him through newspapers and pictures on the internet. You couldn't resist it every time there are any news about him and his new achievements. You couldn't even dreamed of meeting him in real life. But now, he's standing there, right in front of you, with his familiar smile on his face.

    "Oh, my god." You whispered to yourself, and before you can even process what's going on, Alfa was already holding out his hand to have a handshake with you.

   "Base on that expression, I can tell that you already know who I am, right?" Alfa chuckled.

   "Y - Yes! Uh, pleasure to meet you, Alfa! My name is Y/n, even though you already knew about that, hehe . . . " You smiled while shaking his hand, hoping that he wouldn't notice that your hand is getting a little sweaty because you're so nervous.

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