Chapter 7

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Francis was appalled.

How a concert auditorium could be so packed and so...loud, was beyond him. Then again, Francis had never really been to a concert.

Him, Arthur, Gilbert, and Ludwig had all agreed to meet up at the concert hall. It hadn't been all too packed, but just packed enough to bother the four in one way or another. The entrance lights were bright and annoying, making Arthur cringe with every overhead passing light.

"Whoever designed these fuckers should choke." He complained. Gil and Ludwig chuckled slightly. Francis stayed silent.

"We're almost there, brohas! One more flight!"

Francis peeked up to see the staircase and gulped, hearing muffled chattering from above them. In all honesty Francis was somewhat nervous, not ready for the sight before him. After a few minutes of staring into space, Arthur patted him on the back.

"What, chickening out now? Come on, it'll be a blast. Loosen up."

Francis nodded slightly; in this moment he wasn't used to being the quiet one. Yet here he was.

"Wait fellas, check it!" Gilbert stopped the group, looking around to check for cameras or people around the staircase before smirking. "Look what I've brought with us tonight."

A slick pull of the pocket and Gilbert held out a ziplock bag of dried up mushrooms. Arthur lit up like a christmas tree. "Bloody hell, Gilbert, you git!" He laughed slightly, but tried to keep it down. "How many for each of us, ah?"

Francis felt mild panic. "Wait, I never agreed to drugs."

All three of the other men gave him a look. Arthur spoke first. "Lad, it's just mushrooms. Nothing dangerous involved. It'll make the concert way better." He smirked, accepting one of the dried mushrooms Gilbert handed out and popping it in his mouth. Ludwig was next, and Gilbert took his share, motioning the bag to the nervous frenchman.

Hiding the fact that the mushroom tasted terrible, Arthur gestured. "If anything happens, we'll escort your princess-hood out. Go in relaxed and you'll be relaxed." Arthur explained. "Now take the bloody thing and let's get moving, the concert starts in ten minutes!"

Francis hesitated, but finally took the mushroom in his hands, inspecting it. "Do i just..."

"Just eat it mate."

Francis chewed his cheek before sharply inhaling and popping it in his mouth. As he was chewing, he made a face. "Mon dieu, it's terrible!"

"Keep chewing, it's meant to taste bad." Gilbert assured, "I've got sprite if anyone needs it."

Arthur laughed, "Alright alright, before Francis hurls everywhere, give him some."

Gilbert passed over the bottle of soda and Francis damn near chugged the bottle, taking it all in until it was empty. Afterwards he sighed in relief. A soft burp emerged not long after, and the other three burst out laughing.

"Awesome." Gilbert murmured, "Cool! We ready now or what, you losers?"

Arthur rolled his eyes and smirked. "Don't be an ass, you're a loser too, loser."

The Germanic man just laughed as the two made their way up the stairs and to their seats. The concert was already loud, even though the band wasn't even out yet. It damn near killed Francis' ears.

Once at their seats, Arthur huffed. "I'm simultaneously glad and regretful that we came here a tad bit late. Walking through people sucks."

Ludwig murmured a soft, "I agree," German accent also thick.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2020 ⏰

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