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A few weeks past and we painted Daytona and just as I thought nothing odd or out of the ordinary happened and after driving her daily if something was going to happen I would think it would have happened already.

Jack drove her a few days a week and I drove her a few days a week, me getting to drive her 4 days because she was my car.

And since nothing had happened in the first month we thought nothing would until we parked her in the garage and went outside on the back deck to eat ice cream.

We were sitting there curled up on the swing together when we saw Daytona sitting on the beach in our back yard, engine running and lights on.

I turned to look at jack and asked

"did you move her down there and leave her running with the lights on?" I asked

"no, why would I move her down there and leave her running?" he said standing up and looking down at Daytona.

"if you didn't do it and she was locked than how did she get down there running with her lights on?" I asked scared

"I don't know but I sure intend to find out. Did you maybe drop the keys on your way in and leave the garage door open?" he asked sitting his ice cream bowl down on the banister as I wrapped my hand around his arm as we started down the stairs to see about Daytona.

"both sets of keys are on the hook in there with the ones to the runner, jeep and cycle. I always have the keys in my hand when I get home, I never ever let them out of my sight because I lose stuff all the time"

"I did see her keys on the hook and if someone had stolen them the alarm would have went off"

"babe I don't like this jack, theres no way she could have been started without us hearing her"

"I don't like it either but I'm sure it's nothing more serious than just rocky playing a prank on us"

"rocky wouldn't play a prank on me like this, he knows I don't do scary stuff" I said staying behind jack as he held his arms behind him telling me to stay behind him.

"that's true, you don't watch scary stuff unless its with me" we got to the bottom of the stairs and walked over to Daytona before he opened the drivers door and saw a set of keys hanging in the starter. He turned it off and took the keys.

We stood back and watched her for a few minutes before we went back up on the deck and grabbed our ice cream and finished it before I took the bowls back inside and jack brought the set of keys back inside and put them in the box before we went back out and sat on the deck a little while longer before we headed to bed.

We were laying in bed and jack was holding me when I said

"you don't think daytona really drove herself out there do you?" I asked

"I don't know how else she would have got out there. Neither of us moved her out there and we surely wouldn't have left her running"

"that's what scares me. I can't believe when I finally get my dream car it does weird stuff like this"

"don't worry baby, we'll get her fixed up and you'll get to keep her" he whispered looking me in the face while running his hand up and down my back.

"you really think so babe?" I asked running my hand up and down his chest.

"I know so, tomorrow we'll pull out the trailer and load her up and take her to the garage and I'll help you and rocky repaint her. I promise baby we'll get her fixed up and you'll be back to driving her daily" he promised me

"why can't I just drive her down to the shop?" I asked

"I don't want you driving her alone now that this has happened, I can't lose you, not now" he said sweetly

"okay, tomorrow we'll get the trailer out and load daytona up and take her to the shop" I agreed


"alright!" I smiled and snuggled into his chest before passing out for the rest of the night.

The next morning came all too soon, the alarm clock got cut off about 8 times before the two of us untangled ourselves from each other and got ready to take on the long day ahead.

I showered and jack made breakfast before we went out and got the trailer out, hooked it up to the jeep and got Daytona loaded before we locked up the house and headed started the 20 minute drive to the shop.

Jack knowing very little about fixing cars got to sit in the office and take care of paperwork for the cars rocky and I were finishing up.

Come 5pm we closed up shop and had a couple pizzas delivered than got started on Daytona.

We decided to take her apart and see if we could find anything odd inside of her that was out of place before we ruined the beautiful 'Vamp Red' as rocky prefers to call it red paint job.

After finding a few things out of place in her we put Daytona back together and took her home.

She drove great when we first brought her home but she drove even better after we put her back together.

The weekend after we took her apart and put her back together rocky gave me the weekend so me and jack went on a little road trip and in Daytona.

We kept a close eye on her the next 3 months but nothing else odd happened, she never moved without one of us driving her and her keys were always in the key box guarded by an alarm system so no one took her keys.

We were laying in bed on Friday night after getting back from going dancing and I rolled over to face him and said

"you really kept your promise to me baby" I smiled

"I always do, don't i?" he smiled

"yea you do" I smiled

"because I love you and no matter how much the guys at work down me for always coming home to you every night and for always keeping my promise and my word to you, I'll always keep my word to you baby, no matter what. I promise" he said looking straight into my eyes, I knew he meant it.

"I love you Jack Adrian Kelly" I said wiping the fallen tear that rolled down my cheek only for another tear to fall and him to thumb it away.

"and I love you Joanna Margret Kelly" he said pressing a kiss on the tip of my nose.

I knew I loved jack before and I never ever regretted marrying jack but that moment, that second, that fragment of a second I knew Jack Adrian Kelly was the man I was meant to fall in love with and spend the rest of my life with.

All the ups and downs, the drama, fights, long days and nights of married life I knew that second that the man laying right there in front of me, holding me, making me feel safe was the man I was meant to go through every single one of those long days and nights, the fights, the ups, the downs and the drama with.

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