Homeroom (3)

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Vlad sighed when Danny still made no motion of getting up. He was still buried under his large starry comforter, mouth wide open with drool coming out. It was quite an adorable sight and if Vlad wasn't so annoyed, he probably would of taken a picture of it.

He walked over and shook the sleeping ghost boy, determining wether or not he should just go get an ice cold bucket of water to spill on the 15 year old. Luckily, for Danny that is, the teen soon awoke, immediately swatting Vlad away.

"Leave me lone" Danny sleepily grumbled, grabbing his blankets and throwing them over his head. Rolling his eyes, Vlad phased the blankets off of him and threw his uniform at him.

"Get up and get dressed, school starts at 8, be down by 7 or you're walking to school" With that, Vlad turned and walked out of the room, smirking when he heard Danny's groan of annoyance.


Chuckling to himself, Vlad walked down the stair case and towards his room.

Danny untangled himself from his blankets and stood up. He stretched his arms and legs before walking into his bathroom. He looked in the mirror and winced at the dark bags under his eyes. He had woken up numerous times during the night because of m̶e̶m̶o̶r̶i̶e̶s̶ nightmares.

He brushed his hand through his hair a few times before deeming it impossible to fix. He brushed his teeth then walked back into his room, throwing the uniform a glare.

Begrudgingly, he put the uniform on along with the tie. He ran down the stairs where vlad had breafast waiting.
"Ah, there you are, I was beginning to think you actually wanted to walk to school"

Danny ignored him in favor of eating his breakfast muffin. Vlad sat opposite of him and began to eat his oatmeal while reading the newspaper.

"I assume you memorized where all your classes are?" He frowned when Danny nearly fell asleep while still chewing some of his blueberry muffin.
"Are you getting enough sleep?" He asked.

Danny's eyes snapped open and he swallowed.
"Yup!" He said, a bit too loudly. Vlad squinted his eyes, not quite believing him. Luckily for Danny, the alarm rang which meant they needed to get going.

"We need to get going so hurry up" Vlad said as he stood up. He carried his empty bowl into the kitchen and placed it in the sink. He walked back out into the dining area where Danny was trying to finish his breakfast.

"Just eat it on the way there, let's go or you're going to be late" Vlad said as he dragged Danny towards the door. Danny quickly put on his shoes and followed Vlad out the door and towards the limo where Naoki stood, holding their door open.

Vlad got inside and So did Danny after thanking him. Naoki closed their door then got in the drivers seat.

Danny looked out the window as Naoki drove. It wasn't a long drive, ten minutes at most. As he watched the scenery pass by, he couldn't help but notice an abundance of bugs. He couldn't get a good glimpse of them, but they didn't seem like any he'd seen before.

'Man, Japan has some weird ass bugs' he thought once he got a good look at one that landed on the windshield. It was small, round, and black with green eyes. It kind of looked like...

"A cat?" Danny mumbled out loud, head tilted in confusion. He watched as the cat like bug flew off. Vlad looked at him curiously but didn't say anything.

Danny's eyes widened when he realized there were a lot of those cat like bugs. Some were even surrounding some people, however they didn't seem bothered by them.

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