While I finally cool off, I head back inside and go upstairs to my bedroom. David and Josh are passed out on the bed. David lays on his back, hands folded on his chest while Josh sucks his thumb on his father's stomach. I allow a faint smile and turn off the lights before crawling into the other side of the bed. He's gonna be a great dad... someday. I pull David's book out from underneath my back and toss it onto the floor. If he quits reading, anyway.


"Reno, where the #$%^ did you put the lighter?" I mutter to myself, slamming the kitchen drawer shut. He's been locked in the bedroom for the past three hours studying for some sort of Turk exam.

Annoyed, I get a glass of water, leaning back against the counter and taking a sip as I eye the mess in our kitchen. I'll take care of it later. I sigh, pulling out my phone and checking the time. Seven already? Moving about the cluttered kitchen, I heat up some leftover mac and cheese and grab two beers from the fridge. When I crack open the door, he's scribbling something down in a notebook.

"Reno, I brought you dinner."

He sets down his pens and leans back in his chair, stretching his arms over his head. I stifle a laugh, placing his food on the desk and leaning against its rough edge.

He's such a cute little dork.

He's ridiculous.

"What?" he frowns, looking up at me. Huffing, he pulls the glasses off his face and rolls his eyes. "I need 'em, Vi!"

"I know, I know," I laugh, shaking my head. "Eat up, moron." He takes the bowl and shovels a big scoop of pasta into his mouth, squinting at the scribbles of his handwriting. "What're you working on?"

"Scenario BS," he says through a mouthful of food. Swallowing, he grabs my wrist and pulls me closer, resting his head on my shoulder. "What're you doing, sweetheart?"

"Looking for the lighter."

"It's in the kitchen drawer."

"No, it's not." I shake my head, brushing his bright hair out of his face when he straightens. He chuckles, kissing my forehead.

"Well, sorry. Dunno what to tell ya." He cracks open his beer, eyeing me. "Don't tell anyone about the glasses, yeah?"

"Why not?" I tease, grinning. "I thought you looked cute." He shakes his head, putting the glasses back on and reaching for his pen. I sigh, patting his thigh and standing. I head toward the door.

"Where're you goin'?" he calls over his shoulder.

"Oh me?" I peer around the corner, twisting the lock in the doorknob. "I'm off to tell Rude about your new sense of style." He leaps out of his chair so fast that he slips and falls on his butt, scrambling to his feet to chase after me. I laugh, slamming the door and running to the bathroom. I lock the door, hoisting myself onto the counter.

"Let me in, Violet!" Reno wails, banging his fists on the door. I grin.

"Gee, Reno, maybe you should have paid more attention in your lockpicking class."

"#$%^ you!"

"Love you, too, #$%^&*%. Oh, hey Rude!"


Lucrecia rolls her brown eyes as I kneel on the carpet, setting up a game of cards and periodically looking out the front window.

"Violet, he's not gonna be home in time."

"Yes, he will," I snap.

"Girls, it's time to get ready for bed," Mae, our stepmother, says, poking her head out of the kitchen.

"Told you," Lucrecia sneers, sticking her tongue out.

"Stop!" I scream, throwing my cup of juice at her. She wails when the sugary purple drink stains her shirt, sobbing as she runs to tattle. "You got what you deserbed!"

"It's 'deserved!'" Lucy screams, stomping her foot on the floor. "No wonder you're not the smartest! I'm the smartest in my class, dummy!"

"Shut up!" I shout back, smacking my palm on the table. "I can be smart."

"No, you're too dumb," Lucy croons. "You can't say v's right, you're always grumpy, and no one likes you. I bet that's why Daddy never comes home at night—he doesn't wanna get sad about his stupid daughter!"

"Lucrecia," Mae snaps, crossing her arms. "Get in bed, now." She turns her kind gray eyes in my direction. "Violet, if you stay up you'll be tired tomorrow."

"I don't care," I huff, crossing my arms and slouching, my eyes locked on the window. "No one likes me at school anyway."

"Of course they do, honey—"

"I'm not a honey!" I shriek. "That's a married person!"

"Okay, okay," she laughs. "Well, I'm going to bed. Goodnight, girls."

"Night, Mama."

Lucrecia drags herself up the stairs and closes the bedroom door behind her loudly. I sit and stare at the window for at least another thirty minutes, playing with my hands as though they themselves are dolls. I gasp upon hearing the headlights turning up my driveway. Laughing, I throw open the front door. My father lifts me into the air easily, hugging me to his chest. Chuckling, he kisses the side of my face and sets me back down.

"Your beard hurts!" I itch my cheek.

"What're you doing up, sweetheart?" he asks, loosening his tie as he kneels beside me.

"Because!" I grab his shoulders, looking dead into his pale blue eyes. "You didn't forget, did you?"


"Daddy!" I scold, stomping my foot. "It's my birfday!"

"Your birthday?! How old are you?"

"Uh..." I count on my fingers three times before grinning up at him. "Six!"

"You're getting so big," he laughs, straightening. "I got something for you. Stay right here." He goes back out to his car, slamming his old truck's door shut and coming back inside with a big cupcake inside a plastic box that's wrapped with gray ribbon. "There we go. Anyone wish you a happy birthday?" he asks as he goes to the dining room table and cuts a slice off the cake.

"No," I sigh, shaking my head.

"Hey, don't worry about it," he smiles, coming back to the table where I set up our game and holding out the slice of the cupcake. "Maybe you should wish for a good sixth year!"

"I will!" I nod, taking a big bite of chocolate cake. Blue icing smears across one of my cheeks and stains my hands.

"Now, what game did you pick this year?"

"Triple Triad!" I cheer, gasping when my father's knees pop as he kneels. "Daddy, don't break your legs!"

"I'm not," he laughs, ruffling my hair. "Hey! Where'd you get that King Tonberry card, kiddo?"

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