Exo Jokes [103]: Luhan

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Luhan travelled in a Ship

he saw A Japanese throw his phone to the sea....

Luhan : sus, sayang...

JAPANESE said : We had a lot of cellphones in Japan..

A lady from U.S.A also throw her Laptop to the sea..

Luhan : naku ! sayang !

A LADY FROM U.S.A SAID: There's a lot of laptop in U.S.A

Luhan  kept silent coz he got nothing..Then a beautiful lady came to join him...Luhan pushed the girl to the sea...Everybody shocks!

" Oh my God ! Why did you push her ??"all the people said

Luhan : It's ok...There's a lot of Beautiful Ladies in the PHILIPPINES



Luhan i really miss you!!!

 Cover photo at the side made by: pandageum ^_^


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