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"hibba! Hibba!,"
Hibba's mom called from the varenda.hibba who was day dreaming about herself modelling got startled when he mom touched her a little.
  "Hibbatullah i've been calling u where's your mind"
"Sorry ummi".
"Now come and pick this tray be go going"
Her mom said as they walked to their small varenda.
She picked the tray filled with groundnuts before saying "ummi I promise you one day I'll be a model and..... Before she could finish her sentence,her mother slapped her mouth,"foolish girl I've told you to stop thinking about becoming a model" "before I break ur legs leave my sight"
  Hibba used her mouth to muffle her cries before heading to the market to hawk.she wiped her tears before promising herself she will become a model one day.

Hey lovelies,how are u,everyone and everything.
This is just the beginning so bear with me the story is just starting.
Tighten ur seat belts the roller coaster ride is about to start moving.
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