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"I'm really sorry. I'm sorry I avoided the people who cared for me the most, I'm sorry that I pushed you away when you asked me if I was okay. I hurt you when you tried to protect me; for that I am really sorry."


"You didn't have to get off the bus to walk me home." You looked down at your feet as you and Hyunjin walked side by side from the bus stop to your apartment. Deep down in your heart you wanted him to stay by you for as long as he can. "Now you'll have to wait for another bus."

"I'll just call a taxi so don't worry." You both stopped in front of your apartment door.

"So, you'll leave now?" You looked up at his eyes to find them looking back at you.

"Why? You don't want me to?" Hyunjin grinned back at you and you narrowed your eyes at him in an unimpressed glare before his eyes softened. "Is it because of that nightmare you had earlier?"

"What am I? Five?" You scoffed as the teasing grin reappeared on his face.

"With that attitude of yours you might as well be." He wrapped an arm around your shoulder as he turned you to the door. "Come on. I'll spend the night over."

You unlocked the door and got inside, getting out an extra pair of slippers as Hyunjin took off his shoes and placed them in the shoe closet.

"I'm heading to the bathroom and wash my face." You walked towards your bathroom before Hyunjin's voice stopped you.

"Alright. Do you happen to have anything I can change into, though?" Hyunjin asked as you walked into your room and opened your closet.

"I have your sweater that you lent me. I don't have any pants for you." You handed Hyunjin the said clothing and walked back into the bathroom.

You sighed as you placed your hands on the sink to support yourself before splashing your face with ice cold water.

Your dream felt too real.

You dug your hands into the pockets of your jacket as you leaned your head on the wall, trying to make your thoughts disappear.

It's just a dream.

Your hand touched something rough, and you pulled out the white letter that was in your pocket.

You blinked at it for a few seconds before opening it and reading the familiar words.

It was Hyunjin's suicide letter, with the date of the incident scribbled in Hyunjin's hand writing at the bottom of the page.

You unlocked your phone, staring at the date on your screen.

It was two weeks behind.


You climbed onto your bed where Hyunjin laid down scrolling on his phone. He put it down and turned to you when you were fully on it.

"I just realised how small this bed is. It's not meant for two people." He looked at you in the eyes as you turned your attention to him. "We should buy a bigger one."

"Why?" You tied your hair up so that it was no longer in your face. "I live here alone."

Hyunjin's only response was the wide grin evident on his face as he looked at you.

"Go to sleep, Hyunjin."

Hyunjin pulled you closer to his body, lifting your head gently and placing his arm under it. "Your nightmares can't get you as long as I'm right here."

"That's really cheesy but sweet." You moved a little to make yourself comfortable as Hyunjin pushed a strand of hair that fell out of your messy bun out of your face.

Hyunjin tightened the duvet around the both of you and turned off the lamp next to you so that the room was complete dark before whispering to you. "You haven't called me JinJin today."

You chuckled a little and then pretended to think for a little. "You're 19, if I recall correctly, right?"

"You made that name up so stop acting like I'm the only five year old in this relationship."

"I'm six." You began to speak but was rudely interrupted by the yawn that escaped your mouth, earning a chuckle for Hyunjin.

"Let's sleep." Hyunjin pulled you closer and shut his eyes, arms wrapped around you. "Good night."

"Good night, JinJin."

That night you barely dreamt, the only thing occupying your thoughts was the letter hiding in your bathroom drawer.

I just want to give a quick note:
The bold text at the beginning of every chapter is a part of Hyunjin's suicide letter.

Enjoy :D

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