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That was all you felt.

"Hyunjin's not answering my calls either." You spoke to worried Bang Chan over the phone, heart racing as you climbed up the stairs of the apartment building and stopped at one of the doors. "I'm right outside his apartment. I'll call you instantly if I find him."

You buried your phone in your pocket as you rang the door bell, feet tapping impatiently as no one answered. You checked the apartment number, making sure you've got the right apartment.

After ringing it two more times, you pressed on the keypad, watching it light up before you tapped in your boyfriend's passcode.

It unlocked with a beep, and you pushed the door open slowly as you popped your head inside.


When you finally pushed the door far enough for you to get in, you rushed inside and widened your eyes at the sight that greeted you.

Tables were turned, taps were open and books were scattered on the floor.

You peeked inside the bathroom door, your eyes falling on bloodied bandages in the trash can.

When you walked into Hyunjin's room, the first thing you noticed was how it was left untouched.

His bed was made, which wasn't like Hyunjin.

Actually, these past two weeks Hyunjin wasn't like Hyunjin.

From waking up from the slightest noise in his room to either forgetting or choosing not to wear his cross necklace.

Everything was just wrong.

And Hyunjin didn't tell you a single thing about. He always loved it when you listened to his worries and comforted him, but lately he's been denying anything was wrong, even when you tried to say otherwise.

From the corner of your eye, you caught something sitting on Hyunjin's neat bed and turned to the white letter that camouflaged with his white sheets.

You picked the letter up, eyes scanning the contents and heart dropping.

It was an apology letter, with a little bit of explaination of everything that went wrong and a thank you.

To you, his bestfriends Bang Chan and Jeongin, and mother.

He sounded off, like really off.

And it didn't take Sherlock Holmes to find out what this letter meant or why he wrote it.

Your feet were quick as you jumped up in a hurry, pulling out your phone to dial Bang Chan's number except your phone started ringing that same second.

"Bang Chan! There's something I found-"

"Hyunjin's in the hospital. They found his body in the Han River. Come quick I'll send you the location."

You stuffed Hyunjin's note in your pocket as you rushed out of the apartment, running down the busy street.

Your phone rang again, and you picked it up almost instantly, Chan's stuffy voice and sniffs hitting you like a rock.

"Hi.. His heart stopped. The machine beeped. It beeped, y/n."

Your feet froze in their place as the world began to spin, the noise of the street fading into muffled sounds as your body began to both mentally and physically break down.

You began breathing harshly as an invisible weight on your lungs made it hard for your chest to rise and drop.

Your surroundings were blocked out, and you couldn't hear the car as it horned loudly or see the bright headlights that were shining at you.

All you felt was metal colliding, but the pain of that felt nothing compared to your heavy heart.

But soon enough your heavy heart lifted and the weight on your chest disappeared as the world faded into darkness.

You gasped as your eyes flung open, chest riding and dropping quickly as your heart beat quickly and sweat tickled down the side of your face.

Your eyes adjusted to the bus seats in front of you and the window to your right that showed the dark streets outside.

"Bad dream?" A familiar voice said from the seat next to you and you turned to Hyunjin who was looking back at you. He placed a hand on your head and looked into your eyes with a comforting smile. "It's alright, it's just a dream. I'll be right here if anything scares you again."

You looked around the quiet bus in confusion then back at Hyunjin next to you, your voice trailing off. "How.."

"It's okay." Hyunjin pushed your head gently so that it was back on his shoulder. "You can go back to sleep and I'll wake you up when your stop is here."

You blinked as you rested your head back on your boyfriend's shoulder, confusion clouding you at the extremely lucid dream you just had.

Was it really just a dream?

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