Chapter 15 - Different Cities

Start from the beginning

Eventually, I came to a small opening and stopped. Out of breath, I slumped by the small stream that split the opening. After a few moments, Erons' dark shadow was above me and he landrd gracefully beside me.

"I thought you might like it here," he said ashe settled down. I nodded and grinned.

"It feels surreal to actually be somewhere else. Do you come here often?" I asked. He shook his head.

"Many humans live here. They are a violent lot. They dont take kindly to the likes of dragons," he said, a little solemnly. I snorted and waved his off.

"Ridiculous, whats there to mot love about dragons?" I said mockingly, standong up and stretching. Eron grinned lazily before his body tensed up. Confused, I spun slowly but saw no one in sight.

'I can hear them.'  Erons voice spoke softly in my mind, though his face remained passive. I quietly walked closer to him, wondering what had spooked him.

'Humans,' he replied 'knights of a foul king.' I sucked in a sharp breath. There was a King here. For a moment, I considered walking towards these knights just so I could see what a Kingdom was like and see if I could get tips.

As soon as I had thought it, trees sprung  from the ground, twisting and covering me and Eron. I looked up at him and he narrowed his eyes at me. Feeling a little sheepish, I sat down on a small boulder and waited.

"I dont know why he thinks she's still alive," a voice came bouncing through the clearing and dancing through the trees.

"Must be crazy. Did you know how much blood he's spilt?" Another voice joined in.

"Enough to fill a river," the first voice muttered. I peered hard through the trees and saw two me  leading their horses to the lake. They were dressed in armour like James had stored away, but the crest on their chest was different.

Suddenly, I slipped off my little boulder and crashed into the shrubbery before me, making as much noise as a wildebeest on my way. Swords were drawn in an instant and pointed towards our freshly grown trees.

'So graceful, little princess.' Eron added to my situation. I rolled my eyes and pushed myself up slowly.

"Anyone there?" One knight asked, brishing the tip of his sword through the bushes.

"Show yourself, in the name of the King." I desperately wanted to ask his name. Maybe James knew him.

'We must leave at once, princess,' there was urgency in Erons words. I looked back to the two men, still unconvinced that I shouldnt reveal myself.

'Sapphire,' Eron groaned amongst my thoughts. He extended his claws to me ams I watched with dread as he pulled me back.

"You're no fun," I whispered to hom amd he rolled his eyes as he sat let me climb into his mane.

"Hold on tight," he whispered quietly. I felt him crouch and tense, practically feeling the coiling of his muscles beneath the bright scales. In an instant,  he leapt above the tree line, wings spread and beating hard.

The two men fell back and scrambled away from the tree.


"Alert the king!"

"We've been spied on!"

They were in hysterics as they ran back ti their horses and took off in the opposite direction. From here, I could see a distant building. It had some towers taller than others, some pointy, most flat. It was intriguing.

Eron on the other hand roared with laughter as we swept back over the water he let his claws skim the surface of the water, spraying me again.

"I do love to scare the poor things. Pathetic, they are," he said as he smugly navigated us home. I grinned jn agreement.

"When I'm Queen, I'll have dragons everywhere to keep the likes of them away."

"I hope you succeed, little Princess," Eron said quietly.

"Why so glum all of a sudden?" I asked. Eron sighed heavily.

"Those knights, they work for a horrid man," he said. I looked across the water. The light of dawn rippled across the gentle waves.

"Do you know his name?" I asked.

"I do."

"Tell me?"

"You will know when you need to know," he replied. He fell silent after that and I pushed no further.

I had got what I had wanted. Now I just needed sleep. Settling into the thick mane around me, I tried to think of what I would tell Taurus.


What do you think??

Also, Le Eron

See you all soon and thank you for the ever increasing number of reads

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See you all soon and thank you for the ever increasing number of reads.

Love you loads,




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