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"Bil, you really should. dontsmileatme was amazing, and this is fire. Everybody's gonna be so hyped. You've worked so hard, why not?" I told the girl in front of me before shoving a handful of Doritos in my mouth.

"Okay. That's it, I'm dropping this shit today." My best friend, Billie, said as she threw her notebook down on her bed. She had been doodling everywhere on the pages, deciding whether she should release this album or not. I really wanted her to, I kept telling her so. Every single piece of music she's created has taken up so much of her, and Finneas', time. This album, she called it her 'baby' and she was so proud of it.

"Or maybe I should just not...Keep it for myself, you kn-"

"Shut the fuck up. You're releasing it." I gave her a look as I finished off the rest of the Doritos and sucked the cheese off of my finger tips.


The intense screams of the crowd pounded in my head. My hand immediately went up to hold it as i felt a throbbing. Stupid noise. I seemed to forget about my dying head when Billie came through the stage after her show. I shot a friendly smile in her direction which she barely returned, you could just about see the corners of her plump lips curl at the edges. It didn't seem genuine. It was like i wasn't even there. She just skipped right over to Brandon and took his face delicately in her hands before pressing those plump lips on his.

"Mm." You could hear the quiet moans coming from Billie as the couple kissed. I could feel something burning in the pit of my stomach, something i've never felt before. It was getting hotter and hotter and it hurt more than the constant echo of screams in my head. It was a strange feeling and i didn't like it.

After a few moments, Billie finally pulled away from Brandon and pressed her lips against his cheek once before waving him goodbye. The male walked off in the opposite direction to where Billie was going. I followed after her to her greenroom like i always did and took a seat on the couch, making myself comfy. Billie's parents, Finn and Claudia would be here in a few minutes. They know to give Billie some space after her shows.

After a moment of silence between us i spoke up. "William, is there anything i can take for my head? Hurts like hell." I asked her, standing up when she just pointed to the coffee table that stood with snacks, fruit and other shit. Her head was in her phone and her thumbs tapped the screen quickly as she typed out a text. You could see the tip of her tongue peeking out through her lips. I looked for the painkillers and took them along with a bottle of water. The water had been sitting on the table too and it was room temperature. Disgusting.

"Why don't they refrigerate this shit-"

"If you don't like it, don't drink it." Billie suddenly snapped and i just stared at her in shock, my eyebrows furrowed over my eyes. My lips curled back slightly and i set the water down, taking a few steps towards her.

"What has gotten into you lately, Eilish? You've been acting like such a bitch." It was about time i told her the truth. She needed to know. Before she could even respond to that, Finneas came into the room with his hands thrown into the air, ready to bring his little sister in for a hug. Billie stood from her seat and threw herself into his arms with a smile.

"You smashed that tonight, I'm so proud." Finn told her and rocked their bodies from side to side. Billie stared at me while they hugged, that classic Billie Eilish stare. The one that turned millions of girls gay but could also scare them. She never failed to surprise me.

The rest of the family came in after and Claudia brought me straight into her arms, enveloping me in a hug. "It's been a while, Mia." It really has. I haven't seen Claudia in a few months and whatever anger i had inside of me from talking to Billie died down. "I wanna talk to you later." She whispered in my ear more quietly so nobody but me could hear.

My stomach twisted nervously. What would she want to talk about? Now it was going to bother me until she does talk to me because I'm that nosey. I nodded when we both pulled away from the hug and she gave me a sweet smile before taking Billie's place in Finneas' arms. They were such a cute couple. I wish somebody would love me the way they loved each other.

When i went to sit back down in my place on the couch, it was taken by Billie who was on her phone. No surprise there. I sat beside her and looked over at her, she didn't turn her head towards me or pay any attention to me. A small sigh passed through my lips as i pulled my best friend into my side, tangling my fingers in her hair. "Wanna get food?"

"Actually, i can't. Brandon wants me." She murmured to me and sat up, causing my hand to slip from her soft hair.

"Oh, so you'd rather have a quick fuck than get burritos with me?" I stood up as she stood up with an angered expression on her face. She glanced around the room at her family before glaring right at me. "We'll talk later." She snarled and grabbed her hoodie from where she was sitting. Next thing i knew, she was gone and tears were falling from my eyes. I felt arms around me and then i was being pulled somewhere.

"Mia, it's okay." Claudia's voice reassured me while her hand rubbed my back soothingly. It was only when my face was buried in her neck and i could smell her vanilla scent that i calmed down. I stayed there for a while before i would speak.

"She doesn't like me anymore." I choked out and sat myself down on the toilet after closing the lid.

"That's not true." Claudia knelt in front of me and pulled my hair over my shoulders. She started to twirl her fingers around my brunette locks as she let out a sigh. "She's just blinded by boys. She thinks they're the best thing in the world."

"Exactly." I told her with a shake of my head. "She's told me she's loved him several times but i don't see the love when she looks at him. She's just using him for attention and a good fuck."

Claudia cleared her throat awkwardly and moved her hands to my knees. "It's not really pleasant to think about someone you see as a little sister fucking around like that."

She laughs and i just shrug. "I've caught her several times. Nearly each time, it's a different dude."

"Okayyyyy. Let's not talk about this." Now it was my turn to laugh. I really missed Claudia.

We were interrupted by a knock on the door and Finneas' voice. "You two done in there? I really, really, really, really need to pee."

Claudia just shook her head while getting up and unlocking the door, opening it and revealing a jumping Finneas. "Moveeeeeeee." He whined when his girlfriend blocked the door and i wouldn't move from the toilet seat. "I swear, I will pee on you both." He said seriously and i immediately shot off of the seat and took Claudia with me. "Lovely." She laughed.

When we left the bathroom, Billie was just closing the door to the greenroom. She glanced at us and i just stared at her. For a start, her shirt wasn't even on the right way and her hair was, well, everywhere. I could hear Claudia mumble an "oh god" beside me.

"That was quick." I snapped out. "He can't hold in long, you must be good. You've got a lot of experience anyway." Her eyes widened and Maggie just gasped at my words. Finneas, who i didn't even notice was standing beside me, face palmed.

Billie was suddenly in my face. I couldn't read her expression as she was too close for me to actually see her properly. I could feel her hot breath on my lips and she leaned in impossibly closer. "Mia, i'd like you to leave."



Soooooooo. A new book. I hope this first chapter was okay, I got bored. I'll probably be working on this more than the other so yeah. Sorry for any spelling mistakes, i didn't read over it 😬

 Sorry for any spelling mistakes, i didn't read over it 😬

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