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Have a cute fluffy one for you here. :)

"I'm being serious Roxas! Give back my robes! I have a meeting with Xemnas in like 5 minutes!! PLEASE ROXAS!" You shouted down the white halls, chasing Roxas, while only in your black short sleeve shirt and black shorts.

"No! It would be so funny to see Xemnas' face when you go to your meeting!" He shouted back at you.

You groaned, knowing you would never be able to catch him. 'If only Axel was here' you thought, thinking what Axel would of done. 'Probably burn his back side' you thought tilting your head to the side making a 'that could work' face.

"I seriously hate you Roxas!" You shouted feeling yourself heat up.

"Well, what are you going to do about it?" He sneered.

You jumped forward pushing him to the ground. You landed on top of him, a slight blush formed on Roxas' face. You leant forward, pressing your lips to his, grabbing your ribs from his hand. Before he could even kiss back, you got up, breaking the kiss.

"Sike!" You said pointed at him, you put your robes on, running off to where you were meant to meet Xemnas.

"She is so cheeky" Roxas muttered to himself, shaking his head, before getting up, walking back to his room.

I'm sorry if it was short, I will make it up with a long chapter. :)


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