The Night

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The chill breeze blew silently about the homes of each tribe member. Some were still hard at work, while others rested their weary heads preparing for another day of work. While the wind blew about and whistled happily, something made it stop in its tracks, and nighttime stood still.

One could hear screams and shouts emanating from deep within the blackness of night. The light of torches flickering in motion grew closer as the members of Apollo came to destroy our tribe. Just when things seemed calm, just as the apocalypse seemed not so devastating, they came to ruin all we held dear.

It seemed ironic in a way, Apollo, god of the sun, came to destroy his sister, the goddess of the moon, at the time when the moon is in the sky. It was sad, really. The two tribes had the potential to become a sort of twin tribe, existing separately yet coming together when need be, but these times brought out the worst in people.

They couldn't have arrived at a worst time though, as many tribe members who had already set their minds on Apollo, had begun to sway their opinions a bit following the agreement. I believe that everyone's screwed in the apocalypse, we just neededto make sure we don't get worse

Apollo spared no expense. Their best warriors were armed to the teeth with spears and slingshots. Our tribe's wall wasn't as big or as strong as other tribes, so they knocked it out with ease, it made us look pathetic.

The tribe woke up with a jolt after hearing our wall fall. Everyone rushed out and stared outside their homes at the horrible sight. We wasted little time, we sent our warriors, armed with bows and arrows to defend the tribe. I had been learning archery ever since I could walk, and at the age of 16, I had all but mastered it. My father knew of my skills and sent me to fight, and I was ready to defend my tribe.

The members of the Apollo tribe came at us from all sides. We set up a defense perimeter and fought for our lives. I fought alongside my father for the first time, I just wished it were under better circumstances. To this day, I never knew how he felt about it.

The battle was long and brutal. Arrows flew through the air and screams echoed in the otherwise quiet night. Tensions were high, and all I could focus on was my target. As I shot at the oncoming cavalry, I heard a loud, deep cry as my father collapsed to the ground.

"Dad!" I yelled as I kneeled down beside him. He had a spear in his left shoulder and was losing blood fast.

"V...v..Violet.." he said to me, "I just want to know, there's so much more to you...than you know..."

Through my tears, I saw him close his eyes. This was no time to grieve though, I fought with revenge in my heart, my mind scrambled with nothing but rage-filled thoughts.

As the sun rose over the horizon, bringing light to the desert as the dust shone in the light, the leader of Apollo stood outside the compound, clearly satisfied with what despair he had brought. They had kidnapped our leader and taken her away to their tribe, in a desperate attempt to bribe the gods whom their leader still adored.

Our tribe was destroyed.
Our leader was captured.
And all hope was lost.

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