"Naw I can't do that, imma just mail you the stuff out the closet, or tell ken to come get it." Mercedes started laughing even more.

"Hey, bitch I know his dick great but you don't gotta be scared of me I'm harmless. And is that your Red Car out there I think it is. If you wondering I'm not going to do anything to it."

Mercedes said yelling at the closet door. Knowing the girl can hear her. She got on her tippy toes and whirsped in Santana ear.

"If I find out that's one of my friends, you and that bitch gon need security." Mercedes got her box and walked outta the bedroom, she got her shoes and her keys and left out.

Santana locked the door, behind her. He knew if Mercedes found out he was messing around with Amara, some real shit was gone go down, one thing Mercedes always told him was not to fuck her friends together or not, they was still off limits.

Mercedes drove to her momma house, to unpack her stuff. She had soon made it to her mom house. She pulled up in the drive way and took her box in the house. When she walked in she seen her momma walking butt naked in the house.

"Would you put so clothes on." She sat on the couch and put the cover over her. "Thank you, where Tesla." Everybody always laughed at, Mercedes and her Sister name But Nicole their mother said she didn't find no cute names so she just went with her dream cars.

"She upstairs, probably going to sleep you know that all she ever do." Mercedes put her box in her room and went up stairs to Tesla room.

Tesla was Mercedes little sister by 2 years Mercedes is 22. Tesla always looked up to her big sister and it was vice versa for Mercedes.

"Tessi!!" Tesla looked up from her phone and jumped up when she seen her big sister she jumped over the bed and hugged her sister so hard. They haven't seen each other in 3 months now.

"Where Santana? You know his ugly butt supposed to buy me my shoes." Mercedes scrugged her shoulders and sat down on the bed. "Probably fucking another bitch, who knows and who cares."

"Girl why you ain't crying I would have been beating him up and the Girl he fucking." Mercedes felt as if it wasn't a reason to cry anymore.

"What I'm crying for, what I'm fighting him and the girl for, that just making me look more stupid, he did his dirt and now he gotta lay in it. I did some shit now I gotta live with it but it's cool one day he gon realize I'm the best bitch he gon ever come across by."

"You know it's ok to cry Cedes I know you want to I can see it In your, eyes you building to much emotion inside and you gon blow up." Mercedes nodded her head and laid in the bed and went to sleep.


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