"Mariel, a word please."

She had finally stopped using my full name, she would on use it if I was in trouble, which is very rare now.

"Yes miss?" I said, walking up to her with my stuff in hand.

She placed the whiteboard pen on the desk and looked at me, her blues meeting mine, my body shivered slightly.

"Do you need any help with the assignment?" She asked, smirking.


"No, why.."

"You were staring at me, and I can tell you haven't listened to a word I said all lesson. You aren't very discreet." She stated, walking around her desk and leaning her butt on it.

She is right in front of me, I could smell her strong perfume. Hugo boss, nice. Breaking eye contact, I shamelessly stared at her chest, a few buttons opened.

"You are quite the bold one Mariel," She snickered, leaning up from her desk and stalking towards me. Vanessa towered over me, she was at least 2 inches taller with the heels.

She had some mischievous look in her eye, her lips dangerously close to my ear as she leaned down.

My heart was pounding in my rib cage, threatening to spill out and burst.

"I like them bold."

My breath hitched, she chuckled before pulling away and dismissed me, I quickly scattered out of there and thought about what had just happened.

Although it wasn't a big thing, it clicked something in me.


Tonight my family was hosting a dinner party, mainly to talk about business. Everyone but Ashley, Kelly and Marco were ordered to go, it wasn't an option.

Obviously, I had to invite my two best friends to survive tonight. According to my father, Davina is supposed to be there with two of her kids.

I hadn't seen Davina since she nursed my drunk self, I am in debt to her greatly.

I looked in the mirror and touched the green dress, a slit down the middle of my leg, a small tattoo slightly peaking out. I definitely had to cover that shit up. My hands roaming over the straps, pulling them up a bit more, then tracing the tattoo.

I got it straight after being let go from house arrest, letting a friend practice on me and use it for his portfolio, I'm just going to hide it until it's my birthday.

Which is in 1 week!

My big 18 was something I was starting to look forward too, 13 year old me would've thought I'd be dead by now, and it's a miracle I'm not.

I let my hair run down freely, my hand combing through it before roughing it up a little.

I wanted to go for a natural look tonight, but decided to go a bit full out. Lashes, brows, winged eyeliner, bold lip colour and highlighter with some concealer under my eyes.

I could never find my right shade of foundation, so didn't bother.

Brandon and Kestell walked through the door, both looking handsome and beautiful.

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