Author's Note

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Dear reader,

Thank you for picking up this book. I truly appreciate your support. If you have come this far, you must have enjoyed some parts of my story. For that thanks :). For my future reference, I have put a Q&A section below:

1. Why did I start writing?

I started this writing journey because I wanted to hone my writing skills and put ink to paper the crazy stories that pop up in my head. Be it, facing huge monsters, and saving the world or just your every day romance. I wanted to immortalise my words and to capture the essence of some of my most precious memories. Why should I be the only person to enjoy my crazy imagination? That being said, this was my first novel, and I have learnt many new things especially about the difference between being a creative and being a grammar Nazi. I hope you enjoyed the book for the creative aspect of it, and I apologise for the lack of perfect grammar and prose side of it.

2. How did you come up with the book title?

Honestly, I asked myself: "What is the easiest thing to write about?" The answer to that question was what inspired the book title "Adventures of a Female Loner". I have always struggled with the socialising aspect in my life, and have always wondered how others have coped in these situations. I am fascinated with adventure stories, and I view life as one big adventure. So I wanted to write about my experiences throughout different stages. In pop culture, loners are often depicted as male figures who have no social skills whatsoever, they ostracize all those who come into contact with them, and/or are house hermits. I wanted to look at it from a female perspective. The title was inspired from my personal growth in moving to a new city and becoming socially and financially independent: becoming comfortable with being alone. I wanted to destigmatise the word "loner". I wanted to bring light to an idea that a loner could be a normal girl struggling to socialise, struggling to understand romantic nuances, and struggling to become an independent individual. A loner could be anyone.

3. What was my inspiration to write this book?

When I look back at some of the crazy things that have happened, it almost plays out like a Hollywood movie. People kept on telling me "That could be a story", or  "You should write a novel". I started to realise that my experiences were something special, something different to what one would see in their life. I thought it was normal for a teenage boy to walk up to a girl in a large girl group and only talk to her. I thought it was normal for any mother to arrange a blind date for her daughter without even knowing what he looked like merely basing off his status on, well, his financial status. I thought it was normal to observe a budding romance and analyse the different stages of it hence my deep analysis of my best friend's tactics to get with a surfer boy. I thought all of this was normal. But it turns out that it was just me. People found my life intriguing and would laugh at my life stories. That's when I realised I had something golden to work with. I guess you could say, I was inspired to write this book by the people who have listened to my life stories and enjoyed it.

4. Why do your stories have bittersweet endings?

Short answer to this question is that they are based on my life, and as such life isn't all sugary sweet and honey coated. Relationships don't always last and people don't always get together. People can be vain and they can be liars, but my life still goes on. I win some, and I lose some. Without the bitterness, you wouldn't be able to truly appreciate the sweetness.

5. What are you writing next?
I enjoy writing romance short stories but there is only so much I can do with my limited experience. Psst, I have commitment issues. Hence, I know my next project will not be a romance-centered book. I want to explore some of my childhood nightmares, and as such, my next title will definitely fall under fantasy. I am super excited to start! But, this story will really require a pre-plan before we can even get to the first chapter. I want to make sure that my first fantasy fiction novel has a strong lead character and has a relatively well-built world. Hehehehe. Just thinking about it is making me feel super excited.

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