"I'll have a 20 chicken nugget box, 3 large fries, 2 McChicken burgers, one of those spicy wrap things, 2 McFlurrys, a large Diet Coke, chicken strippers, one of those boxes of mozzarella sticks, a banana milkshake and a strawberry milkshake," Niall says casually and I can't help but laugh loudly.

"What? I'm hungover," he says to me with a laugh.
"Your turn Lilli," Louis smiles as he motions for me to come closer but I can't help but take my eyes off of the paparazzi vans outside.

"I expect you'll want one of those stupid bags of carrot sticks," Niall laughs and I pull a face at him.
"You obviously don't know me at all," I smirk and as I'm about to speak I hear him mumble, "yet."

I feel myself blush so I quickly order a box of chicken nuggets and large fries, hiding my face in my sleeve so that he won't notice my rosy cheeks.
For godsake Lilli, catch a grip of yourself.

As soon as our food is passed to us we are all suddenly very aware of the approaching vans filled with paparazzi and I begin to feel the familiar sense of panic rise in my chest.

I feel Niall place his hand on my shoulder and I realise that he knows I am nervous.

"Right guys, the issue is no longer trying not to get papped together it's now about getting out of here safely. Stay close out there and listen to me," Louis says and I can tell he is angry at the fact that we have been caught by the paparazzi.

"Don't worry Lil, they are hardly going to get that close. They will stay back and take their stupid photos," Niall says causally but I can tell that Louis is as uncertain as I am as he attempts to find a clear exit.

I instinctively grab Niall's hand and as soon as I do I feel like an idiot but he doesn't even react, just taking my hand in his own.

"Niall, Louis? Who's the lucky guy!"
"Who knew Lillianna was such a slut, two guys at once!!"
"Niall what did you and Lillianna do last night?"
"Lillianna are you pregnant?"

I can't help but feel overwhelmed as I hear my name being screamed by the large crowd which is multiplying by the second as fans join and more paparazzi arrive.

Niall and Louis walk ahead of me as they try and push past the crowd and get back to the van but as Niall lets go of my hand for a second I am pushed by a man with a camera who starts to violently grab my body towards him in order to get a photo of my face.

"Get the fuck off of me," I shout as I elbow him in the face, causing his camera to drop on the ground and smash.

"You piece of shit! Look what you did you slut, you'll pay for that," the man spits as he grabs me once more pushing me to the ground, causing me to be trampled by the crowd. I kick and struggle as he shouts in my face until I feel his weight lifted off of me.

Louis takes my hand whilst also trying to see if I'm alright. My head feels heavy and I feel disoriented as I scan for Niall until I eventually find him in the crowd. He's punching the paparazzi man in the face repeatedly.

"How dare you fucking lay your hands on her or anyone for that matter," Niall spits as he punches the man repeatedly.

Louis tries to hold me back but I know I must intervene before Niall murders the guy.
I push my way towards him and pull him off of the man with all of my strength. Our eyes lock and I can see a certain darkness in his eyes. His lip is busted and bleeding but when I look at the paparazzi man's face as he lays on the ground I am confirmed that Niall definitely won the fight.

The three of us run to the van and struggle to get in as we are still being mobbed by paparazzi and fans with some even pulling onto us as we climb into the van.

"Niall, Put your window up now!" Louis yells as he turns on the van.

"Holy shit" Niall shouts as he quickly winds the van window up only to be grabbed by various paparazzi.
"Get the fuck off of him," Louis yells as he tries to pull Niall back in the car as the paparazzi are pulling Niall further and further out of the window.

"How are we going to get out of here? I can't drive through them all?" Louis asks in a panic and my anxiety continues to rise.

I stand up in my chair and raise my head through the sun roof of the van before shouting, "You have 10 seconds to move or we will drive through you all".

Louis and Niall turn and look at me with raised brows, as do the paparazzi surrounding the van but when I begin counting down from 10 they all begin to realise I am being serious.

As Louis starts to rev the engine the majority of the mob begin to move back from the van in fear of getting run over but there is still one man clinging to the front of the van and taking photos of us.

"What am I going to do about him?" Louis asks as he prepares to drive.
"Drive Louis!" I scream and he does, sending the paparazzi man flying off of the van.

The three of us instantly look back to see if the man is still alive and we all take a sigh of relief when we see him stand up off of the ground.

"Looks like we are definitely going to be in the papers tomorrow," Niall states.

Perfectly Fake ~ Niall Horan StoryWhere stories live. Discover now