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Nicole's P.O.V

3 Years Ago

Me, Chresanto, and Cj were in the car on the way to drop Cj off at daycare. Chris was driving like always, me, I was just looking into space thinking. "Baby what's on your mind" Chris said to me. "Nothing just thinking that's all" Thats when it happen everything changed after that moment a truck came smashing into the side of the car. Then I blacked out.

I woke up to a beeping sound, i knew exactly were I was. I slightly opened my eyes and looked around my hospital room, all I could think about is what just happened. After about a minute of thinking back to what happened, the doctor walked in with a blank look on his face. "While I see your up, Im Dr. Andrews and how are you feeling" the doctor said trying to make me happy. "Im fine but where is my son and boyfriend" I said

"Well your boyfriend is fine, just a broken arm........" Dr. Andrews said slowly "But What about my son, what about Cj" I said about to cry. Dr. Andrews started talking again "Your son is still getting the glass out of his body and hes bleeding alot, well what I'm trying to say is they dont know if he will make it because his body is so small and we don't have a enough blood it's leaving his body to fast" Once he said that he just turned around and walked out of the door, leaving me there crying and crying. My life is just falling about slowly, my son was my everything. Then I heard the door open slowly and looked up to see Chris with blood shot eyes similar to how mine were. He just came and layed on the bed with me.

The next morning Chresanto Michael August Jr. was pronounced dead at 3:13am. After that point my life was different for me and chris.

We had got out of the hospital three days later the funeral was in two days. We planned our one year old son's funeral in the first day we just wanted to get it over with I can't take it. Chresanto being 19 and me being 18 and having to put our one year old son in a grave. I blame myself for everything if I would of got ready on time we would have been there just a little earlier, why.

A week after Cj funeral I had packed my clothes and put my suitcases by the door before Chris got home from work. I just waited and thought about how I was going to tell him. When I looked up Chris was there looking down on me with worried eyes. I spoke up "I can't live here anymore.... When I look at you all I see is Cj. The thought of him laying in the casket, I can't take it anymore. I will always love you, just say you love me and let me leave" I said looking at my feet. When I look up I seen the tears coming down Chris face.

"You don't think I can't see OUR son in you too, he has your eyes, your nose but I can't live without you. Please baby don't leave me, my life won't be the same. Please just stay and work it out" He said with saddness and fear in his eyes. I just got up and walked to the door with my suitcases in hand and looked back with the tears streaming down. I slowly walked down the porch step and walked to the cab waiting for me. The last thing I heard from Chris was "I Will Always Love You"

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