imagine 1

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hey so ive never in my life written a serious imagine and here's my first go at it so i really hope you enjoy this and if you do them check out my two other fanfics c; ily babes xx

Niall's POV- 

I was at Harry's house yet another day. We've been bestfriends since the beginning of middle school and now we are in our senior year.

  We were obsessed with this one band, and when I say obsessed, I don't mean like pictures on instagram and listen to their music, I mean hardcore shipping, fangirling, crying, and all that mess. 

"Niall oh my God please look at this," it was an edit of one of the band member and someone made their eyes super big and it caused us to burst out into laughter, mine being overpowering.

  "Sorry," I say, blushing. I have always hated my laugh. 

 "Why are you sorry?" he asked, already knowing the answer.

"My laugh.." I trailed off.

   "Niall, I love your laugh so much, you don't even know," he said, dimples and all. 

I blushed even more and I let out a chuckle, scrolling through my feed. 

  I saw a picture of my favourite ship, so I showed Harry.

 "They're so cute together, don't you think?" I asked him.

"Eh, they aren't together. They're probably just best friends like you and me but not in love." 

 I let out a sigh. Little did Harry know, I've been in love with him for over 2 years but I've been to afraid to tell him. 

  "What?" he started.

"It's just that.." I trailed off and sat up. "What if they really did love each other? Like, they loved each other a lot but were too afraid to let everyone know. Would it be so wrong? For loving someone even if they are the same gender?" I asked him.

  "Where are you going with this, Ni? You're starting to worry me," He sat up beside me and gave me a worrying glance.

"Nothing, forget it." I got up and grabbed my stuff, pissed off.

  "What's wrong?" he asked. 

"Nothing is wrong, I have to go," I mumbled. 

 "Niall, wait," he said as I slammed the door. I hurried away from the house, tears threatening to pour out of my eyes. I tried so hard to keep them in but my eyes failed me.

As I was walking as fast as I could, I couldn't bear it. I crumpled down to the ground in the cool air. I let out loud sobs, thankful for the silence around me. 

  Why didn't he love me back? I've been so good to him. I love him so much. It just hurts so much, you know? To be constantly reminded every day of the drug that you can't have stand right in front of you. The walking and breathing drug with emerald eyes and the gorgeous smile that warms your heart and brings butterflies to your stomach. 

"Niall, mate.." I heard Harry call and when I turned around, he was running towards me without shoes or a jacket. 

  "Go away, Harry," I got up and acted like nothing happened. As I turned on my heel to walk away, he grabbed me by the hand. 

"Niall, please tell me what's wrong I- You're crying." he said, worry filled in his eyes.

  I wiped the tears away, looking anywhere but his beautiful face. 

"Ni, please," he begged me. 

  I forced myself to make eye contact with him and the tears flowed back. 

"You don't get it!" I shouted, causing him to jump. "You just don't get it." I whispered the last time.

  "You aren't communicating with me.." he trailed off. 

"Harry, I have enjoyed being your friend for such a long time.. We've had the best time and it's just been great but.. the way you just be you.." I started, running my hands through my hair frustrated. 

  He waited for me to finish.

"Bottom line is, I love you, okay? I fucking love you and I have for a long time." I said. "I love you," I sighed. 

 "Yes, I'm gay and I've been in love with you for 2 fucking years but I've been too terrified to ever tell you because I thought you wouldn't like me being gay and well, me. But you've accepted most of me and I really hope you start talking because I'm out of words and, and-" I stopped, noticing the tears on his face.

  "Harry, please don't cry.." my voice cracked and my lip quivered.

"No, Niall. I've loved you so much since the day we met. You don't know how much that means to me.." He covered his mouth with his hand and cried. "I love you so much, so much, so fucking much.." he wrapped his arms around me relieving every doubt I had about us. 

 He truly loves me. He does. I-I can't believe it..

When we stopped embracing, I let out a laugh and he did too, with our eyes red and teary.

  "I'm still in shock," I admitted, wiping my tears as he still held onto my middle.

"I love you," he said, with his forehead touching mine.

  "I love you, Harry," my body igniting at his touch.

He was the first one to connect our lips.

  "I'm so glad I got to spend my first kiss on you," I said, smiling at the thought. 

"That was your first kiss?" He asked surprised.

  "Yeah," I admitted, my face flushing as I smiled.

"Well, there's many more firsts to come from me," he wiggled his eyebrow, causing me to laugh and swat at his arm and he pecked me on the lips again. 

yo yo yo xx 

tell me what you think! also if you want, you can give me ideas to see what kind of imagine you'd want! <3 lmao so this is what i do at 1:00 AM same at myself 

ily all babes xx 

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