imagine 5 (part 1)

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another imagine whaatt! my feelings have been overflowing and I can't talk about it to anyone and I've written them a thousand times in my journal lmao so narry it is! caution: this will probably be sad

Christmas was Harry's favorite part of the year. From decorating a real tree, to the fluffy coffee drinks at the shop down the street, you name it. It was most likely Harry's favorite.

He had bought more decorations to line the entire house, or at least that was his excuse. In reality, he had felt his boyfriend of three years slipping farther and farther from his grasp.

Niall never liked to talk about his feelings, whereas Harry just wanted to know all about them. Niall would get angry or annoyed if Harry tried to read into his actions, so Harry stayed silent this time. Instead, he decided to drown his feelings in Christmas decorations. However, they didn't fill the emptiness in the house, or in Harry's heart.

"I just don't know, mum," Harry said through the phone as he finished hanging up an ornament. "He's been really distant."

"You know Niall, he's never really been much of a talker, hun," his mother's soothing voice came. "His actions speak louder than his words."

"That's the thing," Harry felt his voice waiver as his throat began to swell. "it's like-like he's not even expressing his actions anymore."

"Maybe he just needs a little time, you know how the holidays are for him," His mother said, reminding him all about Niall's falling out with his family a few Christmas's ago.

Just then, he heard a door slam shut, indicating Niall was home from work. "Alright, mum, I've got to go if I want to finish this tree," He let out a fake laugh to let her know about Niall's arrival.

"Love you, son."

"Love you too," he said before hanging up.

He hung another ornament on the tree as he flashed a smile towards Niall. "Hey babe."

Niall took a swig from the bottle of beer he was holding. "Did you get a real tree?"

Harry's smile fell. "Of course, it gives the house nice Christmas smell."

"It's a hell of a mess to clean up," Niall said, taking another gulp of alcohol.

Harry's shoulder slump before walking towards the kitchen where Niall was standing. He tried to plant a kiss on Niall's cheek, but when his lips brushed against Niall's skin, he pulled away and began walking towards their room. Harry couldn't stand it anymore.

"What is your damn problem?" He said loudly, startling both of them.

Niall turned around with a straight face.

Harry's hands began to tremble, but he went on. "I-It's like we're strangers. You barely speak to me anymore, a-and you never look at me the way you used to." His voice became quieter.

"I'm not having this conversation now," was all Niall said, his eyes turning dark.

"Then when will you?" Harry half-shouted, completely fed up with the way he had been treated. "You always say you're not going to have a conversation with me, but when, Niall?"

Without saying a word, Niall turned around and completely ignored him, drinking the last of his beer while he walked back to their room.

Harry wanted to throw that damn beer bottle at his head, he wanted to scream and cry, and completely destroy everything. He knew he couldn't, though. He knew if he did that, it wouldn't help anything. It would only make things worse. So he let the sadness fill his heart again as he let his shaky hand pick up another ornament, placing it gently onto a branch.

Minutes passed by, allowing Harry to fully decorate their Christmas tree. Usually, Harry would step back, looking at his hard work finally paying off. Niall would plant a soft kiss on his cheeks, telling him how beautiful it looked. Usually, him and Niall would cuddle up on the sofa, surrounded by lights and little snowy knick knacks as they watched their favorite movies. Not this year.

When Harry stepped back and looked at the tree, all he saw was sadness. He looked towards his room, the light illuminating the hallway. He decided to go check up on Niall, but when he walked into the room, his chest ached with such great sadness. Harry found Niall throwing clothes inside a suitcase.

"What are you doing?" Harry said, his voice cracking. He finally allowed the tears to cascade down his cheeks. His hands trembled.

Niall turned around quickly, his cheeks turning pink. He immediately hid his feeling behind a wall. "I need to get out of here."

"What do you mean? This is our house, Niall," Harry said, his voice hushing to a small whisper.

Without looking at Harry, Niall responded. "It may be a house, but that doesn't mean it's a home."

Harry was sure that Niall could hear his heart break. It physically felt like his heart had split into billions of pieces with hearing those few words. However, Harry knew there was nothing he could say to change Niall's mind.

"How long?" Harry sniffled.

"I don't now, a few days, maybe," Niall just continued to pack, unaware that the boy who loved him with every fiber of his being was falling apart right behind him.

When Niall zipped up his suitcase, Harry began to panic.

"Please, don't leave tonight. Please don't leave me," his eyes blurred with tears.

Niall paused, suitcase in his hands, ready to go.

Harry was inches away from him, and all he wanted to do was wrap him up in his arms. "Please, stay."

"For tonight," Niall said, obviously tired of everything.

Harry should be relieved, that he could hold Niall for even one more night. Instead, he couldn't have felt more frightened. Because he knows when he wakes up the next morning, Niall won't be there.

wow ok that turned way darker than I planned for it too, whoops. pls don't cry/hate me!

I actually feel really upset bc of this now lmao but I may revisit this imagine and add on in another imagine so let me know what you think!! I also thought of going back and adding titles to these imagines just to make it easier to come back and read a specific one so comment if you'd want that?

love you guys xx (p.s thank you SO much for getting this lil imagine book to 700 reads! that's the most amount ive ever had on a certain story so thnx ily!)

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