Chapter 6.5

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"Alright," Mustang spoke to his crew back at headquarters, "We will continue to carry out our regular duties, but I have some extra assignments for you all."

Everyone in the room sat up at that.
"What kind of duties?" Falman spoke up.
"...Does it have to do with that chimera?" Havoc asked quietly.

"It does," Mustang nodded.

The room got quiet; they'd all heard about the chimera by now.

"Breda, Falman, you're on info gathering. I want to know who was running this operation and where they went."

The two men nodded in understanding.
"And... if possible, find out who Sev used to be and where she came from. Same goes for the deceased human chimeras, but she's your priority. If she has family, why she was targeted; anything you can dig up."

He turned to face the others, "Feury, you help them where you can."

The youngest member of the group nodded seriously.

"All of us will take turns providing security detail for the Elrics and Sev. We don't know if the alchemists who created the chimera will come back or if they'll want to get rid of it to further cover their tracks."

He sighed and ran a hand over his face, "Besides the point, we need to make sure the Elrics don't run themselves ragged trying to figure this out. Make sure they take breaks and eat and sleep."

There was a soft snort of amusement from Havoc, "With all due respect, Boss, you make it sound as if we're gonna be babysitting those boys."

There was soft laughter from the rest of the men as Mustang sighed, "They can take care of themselves, we're just... making sure they actually do so."

Hawkeye hummed softly, "We all know how they get when they're focused on a task; especially when said task focuses on helping someone other than themselves."

The men murmured softly as they recalled several such instances.

"Not to mention the fact that Edward has a knack for getting into fights." she continued.

Mustang nodded, "And he no longer has automail nor alchemy to aid him if he does so."

"That being said," Hawkeye leveled her serious gaze at Mustang, "These assignments, while important, won't get in the way of your existing duties, right sir?"

Mustang swallowed and nodded, "Of course, Lieutenant-"

"Good," she straightened up, "because you have quite a bit of work to catch up on from earlier today."

Mustang sunk down slightly in his seat as she dropped a stack of papers on the desk in front of him. He glared at his men to silence their amusement before grumbling to himself and getting started.

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