| 20 | Begin!

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Throughout the days succeeding the merging between commitment and emotion, Naruto had seen a great exodus from the forest, as well as an influx of prospective genin who had entered the tower safe.

He had also seen a massive amount of injured to be treated and had directed them to the hospital wing, where Konoha medics healed them to the extent that their extensive training would allow.

He had also spied from his lonely window a desperate situation at the hands of many genin, with many of them hustling to stake out the tower's entrance for any teams dashing for the finish line.

Of course, this entailed the many fights that had broken out to ensure a teams' dominance over the one-way entrance.

Corpses line the steps that lead to the raised platform which marks the final dash to the finish.

Only teams with the specified scrolls can be permitted to enter the Tower; those deprived of one would find themselves unable to enter past the entrance hall without approval from their sensei.

Naruto sighs from the wing he had inhabited, the others have opted to position themselves closer to the more luxurious facilities such as the spa and lounge instead of the frontier of success and failure.

Change and monotony.

Isolated from his peers. The only few facilities he frequents is the suite, cafeteria and training arena.

The intent behind the latter is to stake out, or essentially stalk from the obscurity and shadow the topmost bleachers provide, potential threats to himself.

Just because people are arrogant or confident enough to lay down all of their cards doesn't mean that they should be marked as incapable, Naruto logically reasons as he stares down at the genin training.

There's a wide variety, he thinks, observing all the different techniques with a keen eye, blending in with the shadows. There's a multitude of styles to combat.

He narrows down the list of most dangerous threats to a select few.

First is a boy in a navy blue mask that conceals his mouth, with the Hidden Leaf headband on his forehead being worn like a bandana.

He wears a pair of black sunglasses that shades his eyes from being revealed but one of the most interesting things is his association.

Does he associate with Kabuto? Surely, that is not a good sign, Naruto determines as he watches the silver-haired and the black-haired genin spar in what seems to be a ferocious duel.

Kabuto seems to coat his hands in chakra, utilising jabs to deal what seems to be internal damage to his associate, possibly a Hyuga-based technique.

He watches in shock as the associate counters the technique with ease, grasping Kabuto's hands and Naruto gasps as the residual chakra drains completely from Kabuto's hands.

What have I just witnessed? Naruto unblinkingly stares in disbelief as the cycle of nintaijutsu from Kabuto never gets past his accomplice's absolute defence.

He can absorb chakra just by touching it! I wonder if it works on ninjutsu...

The accomplice abruptly cartwheels, his feet slamming against Kabuto's face as he lays hands on the silver-haired genin's shoulders, before releasing it.

Kabuto falls to his knees, before he grasps ahold of the associate's hand, hoisting himself up.

"Good spar, Yoroi," he humbly says, bowing his head.

"Yep! I'm definitely going to become Oro-"

"Shut up!" Kabuto hisses, Naruto's enhanced sense of hearing detecting the violent gesture from all the way from the top of the arena.

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